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Cora - will this become the aviation answer to traffic congestion?


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Cora seem extremely dedicated to making the "autonomous air taxi" a reality. IMO, they've still got a long way to go. Regulation and guidance are the fields that pose the most problems for them.


It's interesting to see their aircraft design progression, from rather radical first designs, to essentially following some pretty basic light aircraft design.


Their aircraft seems like a very viable and adequately reliable product. But I feel it will long be restricted to a "privileged group" of people, who will pay a lot more to go direct by air taxi, and who are happy to pay more, to avoid traffic congestion.





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Good luck with W & B issues. Un supervised customers will eagerly exceed baggage limits and loading restrictions, just ask any airline what people try to get away with.



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Unsupervised customers will eagerly exceed baggage limits and loading restrictions, just ask any airline what people try to get away with.

Well, the solution is simple - same as the airlines, someone will have to oversee the people boarding, and refuse boarding to those who do not comply with the regulations.


The greater problem will be in regulating the flights as regards traffic control in the air. Maybe the authorities will have to reserve a complete new flight level for these things, say 200 to 400 feet.



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 Fat chance they would have in a court. Probably couldn't find a lawsuit that fits  at short notice. Oh is that racist?  Let's start an "obese" religion. "god wants you to be large" There's a fair amount of weight in that argument you must concede... Might work OK when push comes to shove.  Nev



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Why would they place the variable payload  of zero to 220 kg ? So far ahead of the C of G. The craft only seems to fly in virtual reality.

I guess they could have a sliding seating mechanism which could adjust the C of G automatically, via sensors.


With no need for the pax to be in a certain position to operate flight controls, they can be moved around to meet the C of G requirements.



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 Fat chance they would have in a court. Probably couldn't find a lawsuit that fits  at short notice. Oh is that racist?  Let's start an "obese" religion. "god wants you to be large" There's a fair amount of weight in that argument you must concede... Might work OK when push comes to shove.  Nev

I'm advising you I'm taking offence at the "short" notice wording. As a sensitive, vertically-challenged person, I take offence easily at anything being called "short", with my impressions being, that the "short" was actually aimed at me. My feelings are hurt, I'll have to talk to my lawyer. You should have used some other, non-discriminatory word, to avoid hurt feelings.  003_cheezy_grin.gif.045ea30218c055c2781fc6f7d18be527.gif



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What if they decide to all go to the front to see something?. Clamp them and sedate them? It's BS. Nev

Aww, c'mon Nev - you've seen those montrous swing-down, full-body harnesses, that the space travellers use in the movies. We've got ways of designing equipment, to stop pax from wriggling around in flight.  003_cheezy_grin.gif.045ea30218c055c2781fc6f7d18be527.gif



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I'm advising you I'm taking offence at the "short" notice wording. As a sensitive, vertically-challenged person, I take offence easily at anything being called "short", with my impressions being, that the "short" was actually aimed at me. My feelings are hurt, I'll have to talk to my lawyer. You should have used some other, non-discriminatory word, to avoid hurt feelings.  003_cheezy_grin.gif.045ea30218c055c2781fc6f7d18be527.gif

I take offence at your indignation of being offended by being called "Short". I am taller than average and by inference you casting aspersions at being singled out is throwing discussion to the other end of the spectrum towards peeble taller that average, thus causing contentious consternation  003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif You will be pleased to know that I do not have a lawyer and will henceforth cease and desist any controversial  contemporaneous comment that causes circumstantiate circumambient cheerlessness.



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I take offence at your indignation of being offended by being called "Short". I am taller than average and by inference you casting aspersions at being singled out is throwing discussion to the other end of the spectrum towards peeble taller that average, thus causing contentious consternation  003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif You will be pleased to know that I do not have a lawyer and will henceforth cease and desist any controversial  contemporaneous comment that causes circumstantiate circumambient cheerlessness.

Without prejudice we shall judiciously interpret that statement as given under your hand in the prime instance first hereinbefore written Sir.



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  When you contemplate the "Short" Skyvan, you thank the Lord they didn't make a Long one. Hey Shorty, do you want another beer?  Of course you do and disregard the insult. What's the weather like down there?.  Nev



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