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Vintage plane flips after landing, pilot taken to hospital. Tyabb 22/03/25
By red750, in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
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Australian Weather Lookup
Admin posted a resource in Tools and Calculators,
All the general BOM weather both current and forecasts links in one page.-
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CA-27 Sabre fighter jet restored
Admin posted an article in Articles,
Nestled deep in a corner of an old packing shed in Dareton, New South Wales a special RAAF aircraft restoration project is taking shape.After two years of painstaking work, volunteers at the Dareton Men's Shed have unveiled the result of their efforts; revealing a magnificent, freshly painted 1954 RAAF CA-27 Sabre Fighter Jet.-
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Think you can land a plane?
Admin posted an article in Articles,
We ran through an “Airplane!” scenario with the aviation department at the University of North Dakota. Less than a minute into a flight to Omaha, alarms started blaring. From the cockpit, the pilot uttered one worrisome word: “Yikes.” He gripped the side stick, unwittingly disengaging the autopilot, and the plane shot into the clouds. It was a dangerous maneuver for any flight crew member, especially one without any experience.-
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eVTOL industry prepares
Admin posted an article in Articles,
As the famous saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. By the end of 2023, ultralight eVTOLs like the Lift Hexa and Ryse Recon will be in the air, and with that, eVTOLs will be introduced in the U.S. for the first time in history. This first impression will resonate for years to come and hopefully, only in positive ways. Ultralight eVTOL developers like Ryse Aero believe this aircraft type will allow the industry to “crawl, walk, and then run,” helping to familiarize the public with this novel aircraft.-
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Admin posted a resource in Tools and Calculators,
Our ONLINE E6B flight computer, nicknamed the "whiz wheel" or "prayer wheel", is a form of circular slide rule used in aviation and one of the very few analog calculating devices in widespread use in the 21st century.E6B flight computers are used during flight planning (on the ground before takeoff) to aid in calculating fuel burn, wind correction, time en route, and other items. The following tools replicate the functions of an E6B.-
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