The SA102.5 Cavalier is a much modified and refined development of the GY-20 Minicab. It is in the same French tradition, as the Jodels, the Emeraudes, and other fine wooden aircraft from Europe, but designed in Western Canada by Stan McLeod. Some Notes from the Designer - Mr Stan McLeod (April 2004) SA102, SA102.5, SA 103, SA104 Cavaliers and SA105 Super Cavalier The Cavalier started life as the SA102 Cavalier and the prototype; built by Forest Fenton of Calgary, flew with 135 hp Lyc in 1963. This was a fairly basic machine by present day standards but was the aircraft that proved the "Rod Nose Gear" could be made to work (others had tried and failed). The original prototype just plain wore out, was rebuilt and I believe still exists. Could use engines from 85 to 135hp, could be built as tri gear or tail dragger and was easily convertible from one to the other. NOTE: the tail dragger turned out to be around 15 mph SLOWER than the tri gear and didn't handle rough fields any better than the tri gear; however both offered excellent handling on the ground. Some builders demanded retractable gear for the Cavalier and this was not practical so I spent some 4-5000 hrs designing a new airplane with retractable gear - the SA105 Super Cavalier. Further extensive information on the various models is available here.