Note: Extracts from publicity material., partly from Founded in 2013 in Bahia, Brazil by the prominent aeronautical designer Bruno de Oliveira, the MONTAER MC-01 is a new generation of Light-Sport Aircraft. Based on the popular Paradise aircraft family, this superior high-wing design and an all-metal airframe is a unique aircraft with outstanding finishing and superior craftsmanship. It features a welded passenger safety cell with solid metal rivets, dual yokes, and brings the most advanced avionics equipment available Light-Sport in the world. Over many years, many people have done solid work to accommodate people who are physically challenged in one way or another. That’s great! More opportunities to bring in motivated pilots is worthwhile. In the more intimate world of recreational aviation, the industry is composed of much smaller enterprises. A lighter regulatory hand (using ASTM standards instead of full FAA certification) allows easier airframe customization for specific purposes — such as hand control fittings and linkages — and this system allows changes on a dramatically faster schedule. Flight report by Fly and Tell: