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Ian's Blog

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About this blog

This is my blog where I will blog about whatever is on my mind about the Recreational Flying site. Hope you enjoy reading my ramblings :coffee:

Entries in this blog

Why I don't fly now

Went to my eye specialist as my eyesight is extremely bad now. I have had a detached retina in one eye for about 6 months, my bad eye which now has a plastic lens, a cornea graft and still can't see out of it, which has now got worse. I close my eyes and I still see a coloured lit area that makes it hard to go to sleep. My good eye has a cataract so I see double and my glasses are pretty darn strong already so basically I can't see out of one eye, see double with the other and having dancing lig


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Testing out the new BLOG System

Well, here we are with the new Blog System that I hope you may use to blog about whatever is on your mind you can even use the Blog system to run a complete blog on building an aircraft or whatever aviation activity that you would like to run your own blog on. YOU control your blog, YOU can make it public or private to whoever you would like to invite to see it, YOU can control what you place into it and what comments others make...so please, use the Blog System as you like, it is your own area


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