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The category is "Big Trips" but I don't think anybody mentioned taking your plane 😀




I'd never make it as a bank robber because fast getaways are not my thing. I should have left last week but one thing led to another so I'm still sitting here in front of the computer while the rain tumbles down outside. Each day I say I'll get away tomorrow but tomorrow never comes so I'm going to have to set a date. I'm travelling alone and I was going to pick Mrs M up at the Brisbane airport on 3rd August. We've rescheduled her flight for the 6th but even that is going to be cutting it fine if I delay it any longer.


There's no real time limit to this trip however Mrs M only has six weeks off; any longer and she'll be flying home. We have a birthday party to attend on 10th August at Cape Palmerston, an aircraft to look at near Toowoomba and then we have to fit in a bit of gem fossicking and gold prospecting. Beyond that we'll just have to make it up as we go along. 

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