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About this blog
My adventures in building the Skyreach Bushcat LSA kit
But first, time for some indulgence!
Thirty five years ago, I was given a copy of National Geographic magazine. The cover story was on ultralights. I was besotted by the idea of these 'personal flying machines', particularly the Pteradactyl and Quicksilver MX, but I had a funny mindset back then. Even to the extent of thinking that since we didn't live in the USA, ultralights were out of my reach. Not just that, I lived in Darwin, Australia which as a 14 yo felt like an even less likely place for ultralights. Where were the green forests and New England architecture for me to soar over!
Ten or so years later, having pretty much forgotten about ultralights (as I knew them) I learnt to fly in a Piper Warrior. I got as far as GFPT and then ran out of money, and steam.
A couple of years ago I started thinking about the 'real deal' again and the idea of constructing an ultralight and did some investigating. And lo and behold, Quicksilver (and the MX) were still around! But only just. They were going through the process of changing hands, and also Rotax had stopped making the engines used for them. Anyway, I discovered this new type of licence (RA-Aus) and decided to re-learn to fly and convert my GFPT. You get a lot more value for the price. At the same time, I was pointed to the Skyreach Bushcat as a possible kit to build. You might think the Bushcat is a far cry from an MX, but it is still aluminium tubes, brackets and fabric. Just with a Rotax 912 swinging the propellor instead of a chainsaw motor! But it will totally scratch that itch I had all those years ago. And also, I can take my partner up with me, and it doesn't just have to be at the break of dawn ?
If you are starting out building the Bushcat review this blog from time to time to see where I’m at.
So let’s build a Bushcat kit!