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19. Brakes update
I put it off for a while but I finally contacted the factory about the brake pedals as they were binding such that when you had full right rudder the brake pedal wouldn't move. They sent out an update kit and I swapped the faulty parts.
Last night I finally got around to bleeding the brakes. I had a hell of a time. Couldn't do it 'bottom up' I assumed because of the cheapo oil can I was using. So I decided to bleed them the regular automotive way. Still no joy. Then I started to think maybe I had left mixed with right on the lines. So I had Jo pump a right pedal while I cracked the left bleed nipple. Some oil seemed to come out! Well, I must admit I lost my shit and yelled and carried on so much I scared the dog!
When I calmed down we played around with it a bit longer and it occurred to me it was acting more like a blockage than anything. I wonder. .
Turned the park brake 'on' and voila! Oil squirted out the bleed nipple!
See attached for my fix !
Edit: I haven't checked yet, but it seems likely to me that the park brake is a one way valve, which means my 'fix' won't work- the park brake will be 'off' in both position!
so for now I may just put a cover over it. Not all ultralights have a park brake.
it also occurred to me that the park brake is assymetrical when it comes to mounting it in the Bushcat. I found a pic from when I was installing it and sure enough there is only one way you can put it in (see pic). This means the park brake was assembled incorrectly at the Matco or Bushcat factory! Grrrr
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