Greeting RecreationalFlyers, I am a PPL as well as A&P / Rotax iRMT mechanic who has been supporting the LSA pilots and owners in the southeast of Florida. I am hoping to find a Rotax diagnostic cable to connect my laptop to the engine ECM (electronic control module) on 9 series aircraft engines. I am a 'Fan' of 9 series Rotax aircraft engines... especially when they are moving air efficiently, reliably, and safely! I am hoping to acquire a no longer used / un-needed Rotax BUDS cable, perhaps collecting dust in a hangar, toolbox, or desk drawer. Sold the airplane, hired a mechanic, or even an estate liquidation. I shudder to think how many of these got sent to the landfill as it looks like just a video game wire. Keep your eyes peeled. A complete set will include the wire pictured and perhaps a Y splitter and there is also a Code KEY number that makes it all work, included on a sticker on the original box top. [the KEY code is specific to each serialized cable and either (code or cable) is worthless without the other]