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  2. ...... the fush in the ruvers will .......
  3. .be good for spraying the quarter-acre paddocks of the land of the Long Weekend, although the screaming sound may eventually drive the Kaua Kaua birds extinct, and it has been said that when the last Kaua Kaua leaves the mountains ..........
  4. ..... some bloke at The Round Table coffee shop in Fukutanai who called himself Arthur King, or King Arthur, or something, and it is a horizontally opposed 3 cylinder 2 stroke that Merlin had envisioned when he was high on the fumes of a potent potion (a PP). With this engine the Pakeha Mk sux was sure to ..... Thanks for the beach location guidance. Come up for a sunbake if you like, as the sun actually shines up there, and we can have a further chat about what to do about OT and bull.
  5. ........you could strap a couple of sheep on the wings and carry them over the ridges to better pastures. It took a but of time with a mob of 3,000, but that was the way things were done in NZ. It had a Merlin engine that Turbo had picked up from .......... It's the next beach South of Mermaid Beach
  6. .... an overweight middle aged truckie in a pie stained blue singlet, suspiciously stained stubbies & worn out thongs ..... with the product tank located aerodynamically where his beer gut is. So not "top dressing", but more Turbo working class clobber. Undaunted, Turdine Industries continued the development of this aircraft, with the Pakeha Mk sex, which was very popular in sheep grazing country and where ....... Cappy might be off the air for a few days this week as he has picked up a fantastically cheap deal on an airB&B apartment right on the beach in some joint named Gaza. Does anyone know where that is in relation to Surfers Paradise?
  7. Hello everyone, Hoping the best for you in 2025, I'm back with a new video from one year accross Europe, Africa and the Middle East in a Boeing 737-800, I hope you'll enjoy it ! Best regards, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdc9F8fnd2c
  8. Good point Skippy. But as I don’t use 98 unleaded in my Lycoming that’s of little interest to me…Will be more significant to those flying with Rotax or Jabiru motors… Alan
  9. We miss his video posts. spacesailor
  10. Well, a bloke wished Franco Happy Birthday on Farcebook, on 31st Dec last - and Frank replied, so he's still around! Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society | Happy birthday to this... WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Happy birthday to this amazing Drifter pilot Franco Arri
  11. The last time I saw Franco was last May at Deeral.
  12. Firstly, BrendAn's post didn't lead to a thread drift to motorcycles. And I have asked Ian how I can move a post. I can move a whole topic to a different forum, but I'm not sure about individual posts. I admit that when I created the topic that I did not add 'aircraft' to the title, and did not specify it was for aircaft. But after 25 pages and 267 aircraft, I thought it would be obvious. It was to inform members about some ot the weird things people have built, or designs created for military specs which were not successful and did not enter production. Often there was only one photo of the design, and insufficient detail available to complete a profile in the Aircraft forum.
  13. One useful detail that is missing, from the OzRunways pilot touring guide, is the nearest available 98 RON ULP - other sites like Fuel Guide can be excessed for this , it would be nice if included in OzRunways.😈 .
  14. Yet Brendans post of a static engine is fine and dandy? Yea I see you matey
  15. Shawbury in Shropshire England. Has sill got many aircraft wreaks , it stopped scrapping them in 1972 . What's left there will just rot away . Lots more places than I ever went to . I was going to post a picture, but decided ! , noeer . ( too many engines ) . spacesailor
  16. My wife used things like Lonely planet to get detailed information when we used to go to Places off the beaten track.. Asking HERE might be effective to a certain degree. That reminds Me where is Franco Arri? Anyone know? Nev
  17. Found it just now on the tube of ewes. Also I don't think the clips go with the audio.
  18. We will inevitably experience these things if we do much flying. Light wing loaded stuff is more difficult to handle in these circumstances..( Hard to keep it on the ground) Spoilers save the day sometimes. Not available generally.. The main thing is to keep control and don't be shocked into doing nothing, and becoming JUST a passenger. USE all of what you have going for you.. Nev
  19. It has to be an instant response or you are in deep trouble. No 1/2 measures. Trees and large buildings etc cause mechanical turbulence, and is not as severe Generally but off-putting if you aren't ready for it. Just increase speed for that one and go around if it gets pear-shaped. Nev
  20. runway 03 at traralgon has regular windshear when the breeze flows over the trees on the east side . scary stuff when you hit sink like that.
  21. Hi Team I have a question. Every year I get repeat billed by the ‘Country Airstrip Guide’ people for their latest update. It isn’t cheap, (probably upwards of $50) and they don’t make it easy to unsubscribe. But as far as I can tell there are very few updates and differences year to year. So you keep paying for the same document on repeat. Furthermore, the ‘pilots touring guide’ that comes packaged in Ozrunways seems to contain virtually identical information and Ozrunways itself provides the airstrip diagrams. Can anybody explain to me what is the advantage of a subscription to the Country Airstrip guide? How does it compare with the pilot touring guide, and is it worth having both? Maybe there’s something I’m not getting… Cheers Alan
  22. this video is more fiiting for the category
  23. they are all 19 reg kits so you could put whatever you wanted on i supppose. bmw r100 engine has been used with success , i think there are 8 xairs using them in the uk.
  24. my mistake. can you move it to engines and props please. if it can be done.
  25. I remember my only experience with wind shear, back in the early 80's. I was in a Beech Musketeer on short final to Rwy 35 at Moorabbin, with my uncle, brother, and brother-in-law on board.Suddenly the bottom dropped out beneath us. My instructor had really pressed home - "If you get in trouble, throttle full forward and hold level to build speed". It kicked in automatically and we went around and landed safely. My B-I-L was white as a sheet, and talked about it for years.
  26. they may also be using the mz202. bolts in place of a 582 and is available new.
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