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  2. ..... , and their oil, out as a NHS medical breakthrough, necessary because the Rolling Stones were due to tour again, and all of their fans were preparing to clap, or to catch it at after-parties all over OZ. Chiko roll oil, or CRO as the knockoff was named & mandated in Uganda by Pfizer, was indeed a ..... "Mandated" requires that every male be injected with CRO in the date.
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  4. But which idea, exactly, are you saying is BS? Nobody on here - or even the benighted YT Commenter - suggests anything to contradict "If you have no turn coordinator altimeter vsi or appropriate training there's a fantastic chance nobody in the aircraft will be arriving home" Almost everyone in aviation holds to that idea; a truism. That being the case, no one really needs to be marched off to an X-Plane sim to "see what happens" (even absent panic and spatial disorientation). The instructor quoted in the YouTube comment (in the OP) said this: 've always taught all of my students how to maintain control of the aircraft in IMC by performing the technique described by all Cessna operating handbooks for an emergency entry into the clouds. First, lower your power setting and re-trim. Next, and most important, keep your right hand on the throttle and LET GO OF THE YOKE and put your left hand in you lap. Until you're VMC again and can see, maintain your heading (and wings level) with your feet/rudders only. Any turns required are done with your feet only. If you require a climb or descent, it can be done by adding / reducing power only. You'll never lose control of the airplane like this. Get on the radio and declare an emergency and get help to find VFR weather. So I for one (zero actual IMC/IFR) would be very open to hearing from those who know, about the problems with this long taught technique (for Cessna trainers, at least). But, to be useful, it would have to offer an alternate method working from the same scenario. That is: sudden inadvertent IMC; pilot with little/no experience in cloud; typical (Cessna) six-pack still working (IMC only just entered) and predictable Human Factors (like the urge to pull to save oneself) likely taking hold. Under those conditions what might a non-BS idea look like; a better long-shot on a sticky wicket than the one Cessna proposed for years. BTW, was it not ATC's "hands-off" advice to the pilot in the famous "Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! I'm gonna crash!!!" affair, that was credited with saving his life. FWIW there's an interesting review of that incident (and VFR>>IMC generally) in this video by airline pilot "74 Gear" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnb4qCfp0mo But for those with no time to waste gazing at the GoogTube (Red!!! I'm lookin' at you! ; -) you'll get the gist in less than a minute here: 20:23 >> 21:00
  5. Perhaps when you get your radio endorsement on your pilot license you'll have it covered?
  6. I havnt got the time to filter through the rubbish, I just dont read them, nice back hander btw🤣
  7. Everybody knows terrorists are dressed in gym wear and mostly active between 08:15-09:15 and 14:30-16:00 Mon-Fri, and all day Sunday... The chances of an SUV hurtling through a Part139 perimeter barrier are slim though cannot be ruled out as impossible. If you see an SUV acting strangely do not engage with the vehicle controller; report it to authorities immediately and keep a vigilant yet safe distance at all times. Be prepared to run without warning.
  8. Quickest way to get into a death spiral; this idea is BS. If you have no turn coordinator altimeter vsi or appropriate training there's a fantastic chance nobody in the aircraft will be arriving home for mars bars; go try it on Xplane and see what happens. At least that way you can pick and choose the arrival scenery and season for the crash site...
  9. The big fire burning the fuselage would help me take a lot bigger steps away from the wreckage! I'm amazed the fuselage stayed in one piece, kudos to the CRJ designers.
  10. Yes, I do ... with the same amount of discernment that I read comments on internet forums. To dismiss all is as foolish as to accept all.
  11. That is the forum I joined 15 years ago and gained a lot of knowledge from the community. Sadly no longer a Kitfox owner.
  12. You read the comments on youtube videos?
  13. https://teamkitfox.com/Forums/
  14. It's not illegal to use the old CB communications set . I still use one , And for out boating member. The " long-range " radio - net is still working . I have my licence but am I allowed to transmit from a shore station , Orr do I have to gain the amateur license. I can listen in with my " Yaesu " short wave set . spacesailor
  15. Is NOTHING sacred? Nev
  16. Happened to me a few months ago on the hume camera caught me looking at Google maps in my phone. $418 and 3 points.
  17. A boomerang is a flying wing but has a bit of a Yaw PROBLEM would many of these things FLY if you threw them out of a plane?. Nev
  18. Everyone thinks they will always know which way "DOWN" is . Not so. Nev
  19. I think the student pilot in the Dan video had done the 3? hours required for his PPL when he crashed. He was cross country solo standard. This would make a good video for RAAus student pilots as to why VMC must be avoided. I like Dan's videos because they show the human impact that these avoidable "accidents " have.
  20. They had fire hoses on it quickly, Canadians don't panic easily. They are cooler than most People. They are even COOL on Trump. Nev
  21. Maybe the big fire burning the fuselage up might help.
  22. ....... and do not collect 200. A Suite with Bubba at Bluestone College. That will keep you on your toes. Nev
  23. Okay - its news to me. Just let my GA medical/BFR lapse late last year- didnt have an ASIC when it was all up to speed. Does this mean I go to jail?😈
  24. I watched this the day it happened and was surprised that everyone getting off had their back packs and jackets. where was the leave all you belongings behind and exit the aircraft quickly.
  25. If you search the CASA site for the RPC to RPL conversion form one of the documents required is an ASIC.
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