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  4. The engine was probably the most mature part!
  5. Look at the bottom of a lot of home builds, some rivets are ‘smoking’ cause they are being constantly lubricated from the oily residue exiting from the breather pipe so this in turn lets joints move around. Vibration is metals biggest enemy, not point in promoting it!
  6. ..... leading the company song of "Get a hot cat down ya", to the tune of Waltzing Matilda, and this became so ingrained in the Aussie psychy, that all the new Gazzans thought that it was the national anthem, particularly the verse which mentions that "Our hot cats are girt by sea ................... and a bun". OT's profile rose even further after being on every billboard in Oz, and appearing each week on the new Countdown, hosted by Turdy Meldrum, where ......
  7. ........just wack on a 50% tariff on those frozen hot dogs from Turdies cat farms industries [the yanks love em] even old Donny likes his hot cats as they call them now . This trend started spreading world wide with OT and Turbo and even old Cappy where soon building the new Hotcats brand with franchises selling at a rate of 3 a minute ...The smiles at the annual investors meeting at the Bone rissole soon got off to a great start with OT .................
  8. Whilst Jab are free to do what they want but one has to ask, do they really need the extra attention when these contraptions start killing people? Ugly is one thing but crazy decisions are another!
  9. er.. maybe I will wait till it matures
  10. ...... our WA mate just laughed a brave laugh, thrust his large farmer's hands, with their podgy fat fingers, into his RMW moleskins, and stared Don down. "If you try that, we will put a charge on all of the radio transmissions in and out of North West Cape and in/out of Kojarena, plus we will not allow any of our women to do the horizontal hula with any American servicemen (or women (NTTIAWWT))" said OT with a confident swagger. "Geez" said Don to JD "This bloke knows his stuff and I have been aware for a long time that OT wrote "The Deal of the Art" well before I thought of changing it around a bit, so OT is not a bloke to mess around with ..... plus it's a lot harder to vaporize him from a drone, when all that WA iron ore messes up the compass and stuff, not to mention the constant sand and dust storms that get into the engines, so I'd better ......
  11. ........flying Drifters whenever the sand is wet enough to avoid getting bogged. "They take forever to build though" said Don who had problems getting his own aircraft finished. "How would you like some tariffs" asked Don, seizing the opportunity to milk this little smartass of his riches. But others had tried that on the "Big O" before and ........
  12. ..... Anthony Albacore or is his name Anthony Abalone or something? Anyway, please let OT in, as he has more credibility than "Handsome Boy" (as Penny and the Chinese describe him). Now OT, please tell me more about your Country ................ and then tell me about Australia too, which I understand relies on, and lives off, the hard work of your WA countrymen, ....... and also do tell me about that little scrappy bit of land hanging off the bottom below Melbourne." OT, who has always been a supporter of little Tony A, even back when Tony was a pimply left-wing activist, painted a glowing picture to Don of a land of hope, sand, ochre, mint, gold, factory 2nds CAT spares, and .....
  13. Looking good BA. There are quite a few 600kg Nynjas over here now and the owners seem well pleased with them. I'm staying with the 472kg limit as I rarely fly with a passenger and rarely end up unable to get fuel. A pair of jerry cans in place of a passenger are carried when needed. Be interesting to read what your ZFW ends up as.
  14. I'm in the UK so can't comment on your magazine but if its any consolation ... The BMAA are very good at the stuff that matters, but do insist on its members paying for a magazine that imo has always been of little interest I know the arguement about it being up to the members to make content, but Id rather have some professional tech content not the usual member's account of their last trip to wherever. (to me Its like someone insisting showing their holiday snaps ...zzzz) I am after all paying for it. It gets a quick skim then in the bin it goes. Really wastefull I have no idea if my view is representative, but its mine🙃
  15. Are you required to tell them?
  16. its ai though. not sure if people want to read ai articles.
  17. Show 15 of a comprehensive, alphabetical look at every British fighter aircraft of the World War. With the Bristol M.1a, 1b & 1c special thanks to the Youtube channel "High Flight" for the live footage...
  18. Getting ready to weigh tomorrow. Just need all items and engine oil out. Nynja at it’s level orientation for weighing.
  19. Beautiful aircraft. I love the look of the Ryans, especially polished aly.
  20. Hope you enjoyed the book, and hope my video was in line with the book! Cheers.
  21. .....OT then realised that it was obvious he hadn't called on Don enough to become familiar to the Marines. As OT was reaching for his phone to call the White House desk, Don walked out. He spotted OT, and said, "Oh, it's OT! I was expecting.........
  22. The MORE engines the more chance of having one fail, IF it wont fly on ONE, what use is it? Take a look at what the Plane IS with one engine stopped But NOT feathered It's VERY Assymetric. (Hard to control) and the best you could achieve is an extended Glide for all your good work. On top of that you have the annoying out of SYNCH Inevitable without CS Props in normal flight. Constant fiddling with the throttles. Nev
  23. Nice looking plane . I nearly Bought VH AHD when I was at Marshalls at Bankstown, Ex Stan Hone CFI at RNAC. Getting upside down with those is risky There's usually a Pylon in front of the forward cockpit to hold the Plane off the ground. I can't see it there. A friend of Mine currently has one at Bendigo. Most went back to the STATES years ago. Aerobatic with a Supercharged Menasco Pirate engine with open valve gear, 150 HP. Delicate U/C structure easily deformed. Under all that "tin". Nev
  24. Lubricant on a lapped rivetted Joint can weaken it. Some of the strength is by friction and the clamping action of the rivets. Lube it and you just have the rivets in SHEAR. That is why Bonding as well is so good particularly with thin sheet. Nev
  25. I've got some good Motorcycle tele forks that would do that job wel, Damped and all. Are you using scissors Links? Nev
  26. Yesterday
  27. .........hopped the Redeye (they talk American in WA today) to Washington and told them at the securiy gate that it was O to see Don. The Marines didn't move a muscle and .............
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