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Aviation Heritage Museum - Bullcreek, W.A. - Community Family Weekend - 2nd/3rd July 2022


Community Calendar

The Aviation Heritage Museum W.A. is holding a Community Family Weekend event to celebrate the addition of their new Tornado GR4 to their collection. The event runs Saturday 2nd July and Sunday 3rd July, 10:00AM to 4:00PM.

This is a ticketed event and it has staggered entry times to avoid long entry lines from forming. When you book your tickets please make note of the entry time, and please arrive anytime within that hour. You are then welcome to stay as long as you like. 

Entry times are staggered to hourly start times, on the hour, during the day. There will be lots of special activities and giveaways on the day.

Some of the Museums "experiences" will be open on the day, and can be added to your ticket at purchase time. Please note that spots for those experiences are limited, and need to be secured by purchasing tickets ahead of time. 

Experiences operating are:

Bomber Command Virtual Reality (10 spots available)
Lancaster Tour (2 spots available. 10:00AM and 1:00PM)

Prices range from $15 entry fee for 1 adult ($10 concession - Senior or Pensioner) to $35-$40 for a family group (dependent on number of children), to an adult group of 4 for $50. Children under 5 are free entry.

The Bomber Command VR experience is $25 additional, and the personalised Lancaster Tour is $125. For this tour, you get to closely inspect the exterior and interior, and you find out what it's like to crawl over the two wing spars, sit in the wireless operator’s seat, and touch the navigator’s desk.




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