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Hello everyone. I have just landed. I have started learning to fly in a Jabiru after a 15 year lay off from doing my GA licence, that I never finished. I had 24 hours in a Cessna 172 when I stopped for various reasons, last flying in 1995, always with the intension of returning. Well now I'm back only flying RAA instead. I( must say the Jab is a great little plane, far more responsive than I remember the old 172 was like. Looking forward to logging many more hours. :)



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Welcome aboard mate. I had a similar experience, got my PPL then did very little flying other than the odd right hand seat jolly for 14/15 years. Bit rusty when I got back into it, but soon came back.


Hope you enjoy the company here and let us know how you go with your RA licence.



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A very warm welcome to you tazzidevil.


Hope you derive a lot of pleasure and learn a lot from this great site, as i'm sure you will.


The Jabiru is real Aussie Sucess story and represents great value for money.


Compared to a 172, you'll get a lot more flying for your dollars.


Good luck with the training.


Kind Regards





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