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Hey guys im new here and was wondering if anyone here has done their training


down in Tasmania?


I came across a flight school named Tasair and they seem pretty good, I intend on


going down and taking a TIF to confirm before i committ to anything.


Any info at all would be great!





Hey guys im new here and was wondering if anyone here has done their trainingdown in Tasmania?

I came across a flight school named Tasair and they seem pretty good, I intend on


going down and taking a TIF to confirm before i committ to anything.


Any info at all would be great!



What do you want to do? Do you want your PPL or just want to fly?

I'm training out of Georgetown with Freedom Flight to be RAA certified... I just want to be in the Air!


Eugene also does lessons in Hobart & Devonport depending on the day.




Well i'll be starting from scratch all the way through to CPL and then MECIR on top of that.


Thanx ill have a look at freedom flight.



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