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Gi'day there

Guy s

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Gi'day,well um started flying around three years ago,spend about 15 years flying R/C B4 I got married and always had an interest in planes from an early age.Became a workaholic and with family,many things went on hold as they do.Anyway got my license about two years ago now and love it,just come back from my first big trip out to lake ayre flying a jabiru 230 and had a ball can wait to do it again,also part owner of a 170.Other hobbies include bowhunting,surfing and for work I'm a beekeeper thanks for reading and cheers....guy small....:)



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g'day Guy


g'day to you too Guy, welcome m8


what you gotta do is organise to get yourself and that 230 or 170 up to Boonah and visit the Tigers, friendliest club in all of Oz - we'll be having a Drifter Breakfast in a couple of months time, why not plan for that m8


and to dazza38, ANOTHER Boonah boy, g'day from boleropilot - i fly my li Drifter (455) out of Roadvale (abt 6nm to the north of YBOA)






ps hey Guy, ima into that RC stuff meself...



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Hi Tomo,Met a chap out at marree a few weeks ago,Don from Dalby,seems a likeable chap,teaches mirco lights and gyro......Yea bp had a look at the map Boonah sounds good....



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Giday Frank, There must be something about drifters,I have a mate who flys GA,but saids his favorite plane to fly was the drifter,and one day would like to get one again.Have heard similar stories from other pilots,and yes would love to have a crack at it one day 2 see what it's all about....Cheers...



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Thanks Blackrod,


Had the choice of taking the 170 or the 230,went with the 230 for extra power and luggage room and being a bit more stable in the air.Only two faults I could pick,one being 6'2 does not alow me to put cushions on the seat so found the seat a bit hard on the back side,but was'nt really a big deal as stop every 2 to 3hours for a break.By the end of the trip i reckon my backside was harding up lol.Second problems starting the motor in the mornings as temp was around 0 degrees,having to take the cowl off every morning and spend 15 mins slowly pouring hot water over the block and cylinder heads,then it start straight away but not good for an early start.Apart from that could not fault the plane anywhere else.It is a pleasure to fly and would love to own one.....As for the trip it just blew me away and can't wait to do it again,next one hoping to be up to longreach etc.But for now back to work...cheers...



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Giday Frank, There must be something about drifters,I have a mate who flys GA,but saids his favorite plane to fly was the drifter....Cheers...

G`Day again,Guy,


:gerg: I can tell you what the Drifter is about,It`s about maximum fun,can get out and back from most back yards( Well not quite that good,but almost ),visability like only an open cockpit can give and a cost to maintain and fly, that anyone should be able to afford, But Waite, there`s more...................:jump:




Frank. 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif


Ps, A guy I instructed, in the drifter,when he was 15, is now captain of the 737 for QANTAS,contacted me not so long ago and said he was thinking of buying a Drifter so that he could get to do some real flying again.



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I did think about doing a story of the trip for the RAAus,but never been a pen 2 paper guy it was a thought though.Never been to good with words,maybe a another time.I'm sure it's been done many times but it's something i would like to do in the future :confused:Yea i believe thats what my mate said,getting back to the roots,real flying...drifters....:)



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