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To all AREA owners - questions.


Hi folks.


It isn't I want to ask dumb questions but if you own an AREA I have some questions.


Also, do you have mapsource/basecamp?


Do you use that program to keep logs of your flights?


I went for a drive/flight/flight/drive on Satruday.


Got home and plugged GPS into the computer and used mapsource (basecamp got pretty much the same result).


I got the car tracks, but getting the aviation tracks was a pain in the ...... and honestly it was "corrupt" in that it was a whole lot of other tracks stuck ontop of the flying ones too.


Looking at the two flights with the GPS all was good. Each showed up uniquely and with no extra tracks.


But when I loaded the stuff with mapsource, it was corrupt.


More when I get the screen shots and I shall also include the gdb file - I think.


(I'll have to check if it shows private/personal stuff about where I live etc first)


Anyone able to help me?




Yeah, GARMIN's choice of being so close to how area is spelt is a constant pain for me.


Anyway, stand bye.




Ok, some pictures:


It shows the flights on the GPS's screen. Two flights.


It also shows the the GPS knows there are two flights.


Yet, in Mapsource, the yellow track shown is what I get: A mish-mash of driving and flying.


BASECAMP - GARMIN's new program - does the same.


Sorry no screen shots as I am busy getting it all the piccies.

















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