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10 000 RAA members and x amount of GA pilots out there.Together, we must have some clout. But then again, over 2 million licences shooters couldnt prevent, the 2 Buy back schemes.PS- im still ****ed off, i had to hand in 3 handguns and Five Semi Auto Rifles.




Just a thought,


But I not believe RAAus is the appropriate organisation to voice or push political views. While I am in hearty agreement with the need for political action, I see RAAus purley as the admininstration / liason body dealing with CASA (stop here if I have misinterpreted their function) . Adding a political theme to their work is probably counterproductive (not that I am for one moment suggesting CASA could take umbrage at RAAus pushing political viewpoints, and "punish" them if they pushed a non-CASA line with politicians.)


However, the formation of an umbrella organisation to represent pilots views, and lobby politicians is a necessity. But RAAus is not that beast - it has an entirely different function, and should not be assuming overtly political functions.


That is not to say that RAAus board members cannot speak on our behalf, but just as individuals.


So, how does one form a political organisation?


Not sure, but I suppose the first thing is to get expressions of interest, find common purposes, and then get interested people to assume both the public face and behind the scenes administrators.


Any thoughts?




There seems to be a little confusion here - to me the problem is simply that the people losing some of their flying infrastructure are not talking to the people who could prevent that.


I just checked the RA Aus Constitution and quote from the Statement of Purpose: "To safeguard the interests of recreational aircraft clubs and similar bodies or any entity involved in activities connected with recreational aircraft flying in any of its branches"


So its actually the job of RA Aus to protect infrastructure like Warnervale etc, and they haven't been doing it. There's no need for any new bodies etc.




Hi Dexter, there is a write up in Aviator mag current issue, about the Aero Clubs of Australia.The rise and fall, of aviation in Australia.I think we have to get together, all aviation bodies, to even have a chance, to have a effect.As you and the other guys have mentioned, get into the ear of your local representative.Cheers



Guest Crezzi
I just checked the RA Aus Constitution and quote from the Statement of Purpose: "To safeguard the interests of recreational aircraft clubs and similar bodies or any entity involved in activities connected with recreational aircraft flying in any of its branches"

And I'd imagine that actually doing this would probably have the support of the vast majority of members (unlike 760kg for example).


As an aside the BMAA (pommy RAAus equivalent) had a long-term council member who was responsible for helping in planning applications / appeals etc - the late Brian Cosgrove MBE.








I think your right Destiny, Horse & Turbo. It had crossed my mind,(RAAus and CASA not being political advocates) however, I do agree that our state RAAus Members should lobby State Gov and or Federal members on our behalf IF the general concenus of our membership request such action.







Don't wait for the RAAus to act, If they had any political clout and motivation they would be on it already. Something definitley wrong with the exec body, just seem to be going with the flow and not striding ahead. Too many long lunches maybe?



Guest Maj Millard

Like some smart person said in the past : Aviation in this country survives despite the regulations..... (IE:CASA/ Goverment).


If we waited around for government to save, or even encourage aviation in this country, you would surley curl up and die first !.


They always favour the large airline contingent first anyway, with it's larger tax imput component.


On the positive side: I have noticed lately a slow, but sure increase in recreation aircraft numbers, even up here in North Qld. New hangars have been built in a couple of places. Most of the airfields around have survived, and there is never an over abundance of hangar space available anywhere. There are definitly more aircraft around, and that's a good sign for the future of our sport. It's a credit to our persistant spirit as aviators to damnwell go flying whatever the government may do !...................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif




Labor with the Greens holding the balance of power in the senate = carbon tax and the price of everything going through the roof, including all fuels.


Just on the waste of the BER scool hall ripoff, that 8 billion dolars could have bought 80,000 Jabiru J230's. Eight for every RAA member...




One of the posts here said to complain to YOUR local member - as if you don't' nothing will happen.


I thought about that.


Let's look at the situation for a second:


YOU like to fly. Hardly anyone else in your electrate does.


So you are a small voice to start with.


Threatening to vote for the opposition - though not said in the post I read in that many words - holds litle water either.


The "opposition" also don't give a stuff about aviation. So voting for them to spite the initial person is kind of like shooting you self in the foot.


And: As "we" are scattered all over the place - and there is nothing wrong with that - "we" don't have a common place to express our needs. We can't approach ONE party to get things changed.


Voting for a third party who promise to help us is a TRADE OFF on our part as they will use our votes to get what THEY WANT and then maybe help us with our desires at THEIR CONVIENIENCE - if at all.




FD, I'm advocating person to person contact, and educating your local member, not complaining


Your local member, and also the opposition spokesperson are bombarded every day by mainstream issues from Hospital shortages, law and Order problems to pensions - take a look at how many Departments there are, and you'll see it's impossible for them to be on top of everyone's problem, so they aren't going to mosey over to the local airfield, or understand its significance unless you have a talk to them about it.


You're right about trying to get up a Voting head of steam - as far as I know, out of the 10,000 RAA members there are two of us in my City.........and 124,998 others, so that's the perspective.


Both the major parties have a formal method of assembling policies. It's possible to get up a policy through State Councils, then up to the National meetings, but that involves getting hundreds of people on side and would require RAA members from virtually all over Australia. A faster way is to get the ear of the local Parliamentary Members who can fast track good ideas right to the top.


In the case of the Liberals the Parliamentary Members are not obligated to follow the decisions of the State and National bodies, but the Labor Members are expected to act on those decisions.




We can argue til the cows come home about politics, but for this country to be safe, we cannot afford to vote Green in any way shape or form. A good example of letting the greens into power in any way is to look at Tassie, 2 weeks after getting into bed with Labor at the state level they introduced a bill to ban Duck Shooting in that state.


You may say so what, I don't shoot, do you think that it is a one off ? no, they have every thing in their sights, locking up great chunks of land as national parks, so no shooting etc. so ferals will survive and kill off native animals, locking up waterways so fishermen & women won't be able to enjoy a feed of fish and at the really radical end of the spectrum give animals the same rights as humans, so any form of meat is off the menu. It's not just about flying, it's about our Australian way of life that they want to destroy.


If they don't want to eat meat, their choice, if they want to hug a tree. go for it, personally I find trees keep you warmer when they're burning in our heater.


This Saturday vote Libs or Labor or who ever, but read their how to vote cards and if they have put the greens as their no.2 move the greens to last in preferences and move the others up one especially in the Senate, I know it is easier to just put 1 tick above the line BUT this can send your preferences in a direction you don't want them going. PUT THE GREENS LAST!


I fear for the future of this great country if the greens get the balance of power, there is no substance in any of their policies, just check out their web site if you think I'm kidding, http://www.greens.org.au/ its all airy fairy stuff, big on talk small on action, unless they get the balance of power, then we are stuffed !


Happy voting on Saturday, cheers Da Duk




Get a united voice for aviation is impossible as long as the various sections (RAA SAAA GA Gyro Gliders Commercial etc) all push different agendas...ten tenths of bugger all divided into smaller bits has as much political clout as the save the spottered owl society (thanks film "The American President")


As for voting for the Greens...I will when they live the way they want us to!




This is as close as it gets at Moorabbin these days - if you did the equivalent of this in a car these days you'd be classified as a hoon and have your car crushed - but this is Government approved and ...........Oh Dear, who is the main incursor, is that the National Mail carrier?





FD, I'm advocating person to person contact, and educating your local member, not complainingYour local member, and also the opposition spokesperson are bombarded every day by mainstream issues from Hospital shortages, law and Order problems to pensions - take a look at how many Departments there are, and you'll see it's impossible for them to be on top of everyone's problem, so they aren't going to mosey over to the local airfield, or understand its significance unless you have a talk to them about it.

You're right about trying to get up a Voting head of steam - as far as I know, out of the 10,000 RAA members there are two of us in my City.........and 124,998 others, so that's the perspective.


Both the major parties have a formal method of assembling policies. It's possible to get up a policy through State Councils, then up to the National meetings, but that involves getting hundreds of people on side and would require RAA members from virtually all over Australia. A faster way is to get the ear of the local Parliamentary Members who can fast track good ideas right to the top.


In the case of the Liberals the Parliamentary Members are not obligated to follow the decisions of the State and National bodies, but the Labor Members are expected to act on those decisions.

I should learn how to better quote what I need.


I don't really want to dwell on this - not being apathetic, but I have my reasons.


The first part:


If they are THAT BUSY, what chance do you think "I" have if I walk up to them and ask them to come to look at "my hobby" which doesn't interest them at this point in time and they are busy with things which to them are important?


Now is WAY TOO LATE to try and make friends with the pollies and get them interested in flying/aviation in general.


It needs to be done MONTHS/YEARS ahead of an election so when it comes time, you have "leverage" on them when you call them and talk to them about things of which they are already aware and voice your concerns.


It isn't you are ringing them up two weeks before the election and wanting them to come and have a look at how much fun flying is. They will be innundated with their own people bombarding them with stuff - as you said in your first parragraph.


Maybe we should try to get Darky elected into the government. I know she didn't have any luck getting on the RAA board, but still: If you don't try.... 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Ok, sorry, that was a bit cruel.


But can you see what I mean?




Sorry FD, I shouldn't have used the word "bombarded", I meant they are asked questions on all these obscure subjects (possibly even including their opinion on same sex marriages)


They are usually trying to find people who will listen to them rather than being busy, but I'll admit that with 5 days to go they'll probably be phoning all their mates to see if they will hand out for them on the booths (you usually need to round up more than 100 people!)


I messaged the Liberal Candidate for Dobell yesterday, gave him the link to this thread and suggested he put a post on here and start communicating. He doesn't know me from a bar of soap of course, but if he wants to make every vote count it would be smart to start some dialogue.


In the light of what I was saying earlier, he lists "Causes" on facebook as:


* Petition against the State Government's proposal to close the breast cancer ward at RPA


* Make Australia the safest place to raise a child


It would be nice if there was a third one there "protect our access to aerial ambulance and other airborne emergency units"


The Labor Candidate is Craig Thompson


Where's Dobell? It covers Warnervale, so you guys still have 4 days to make friends with them.


One of these guys on Monday morning will most likely be scratching his head and wondering what he's going to put on his to do list at the first few Party Room meetings where he's asked what the issues are in his new seat.


That said, you are right FD, the time to build the relationship is at least two years out when they have plenty of time, and there are a couple of great success stories on the two threads which show what positive action can achieve.



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