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Guest gosk8ing



I'm interested in building a plane from plans. I'm 6'2" so that knocks out a lot of them. Also I want the plane to be made mostly out of sheetmetal. I have come down to two aircraft. The Sonerai 1 and the Thatcher CX4. I've been told the CX4 can fit a 6'2" pilot without modification and the Sonerai 1 can with slight modification to the seat I think.


Has anyone had any experience with either of them?






Plans Build.


No, but the Murphy Rebel would be big enough, also Australian Aircraft Kits Hornet. Both sheetmetal aircraft, utility and highwing, T/Wheel. Nev



Guest gosk8ing

The other reason why I was considering the Sonerai and Thatcher CX4 is because they use a VW engine.


I want something that has low operating costs.


I've looked at the Hornet; I really like it but they only sell it in kit form - no plans.


Murohy Redel is kit too.






VW powered.


If you try to get big power from these you spend money. Are you going single place?Nev..




Makes sense.


Keep it reliable. The thing that seems to give a bit of trouble is the single drive key at the front of the crankshaft. Cracks happen. Can't really help you with the plans kit as there are really not many sheetmetal planes to choose from. Can you still get the EAA yearbook? It's very comprehensive. Nev




Sonerai & CX 4


You can get first hand info re the two homebuilts from Kevin Wintergreen in Perth. He's plans-built one of each (along with a couple of RVs and a Hummelbird) recently. Matter of fact, have just been advised that the CX4 is for sale. Call him (mob nr 042 722 5600) and I'm sure he'd willingly answer any of your queries.





Guest gosk8ing
What about a Zenith CH--601, CH-701 or CH-750. There is a four-seat CH-801 as well. The Zenith aircraft factory sells plans for their sheet metal aircraft. See: http://www.zenithair.com/stolch750/data/750-flyer-1440.pdf for a summary of some of them.

I've looked through the Zenith range. But there are a couple of problems. The bigger the plane, the more it's going to cost to build and run. The increase in cost is usually from the bigger engine. For example, the Sonerai uses a VW engine which is about $7,500AUD new. A lot of these planes use a Rotax 912 which is closer to the $25,000AUD mark. There's a $17,500 increase just in the engine. The extra cost for the bigger airframe usually isn't much. Also, the bigger the plane, the harder it is to built from plans because they require more parts and forming blocks ect. You get the picture.


I know people have used VW engines in CH-601/701 ect but I think it would be very under powered.






The CH-701 seems to be designed to have a power plant range of 65 hp - 100 hp. How much power is the VW engine?



Guest gosk8ing

50/55hp to 76/80hp.


Also I would prefer T/W. I know you can make the 701 T/W but it doesn't appeal to me.




The Aerovee is 80 hp - in the Sonex 2 seater it is standard fit ( the Aerovee is supplied by them) , and apparantly performs well, even enough grunt for limited aeros in the US. Check the site.



Guest gosk8ing



I don't like the look of the Sonex. No offence to people that own one. Haha...




I read that most folk can only scrape about 65HP from the Aerovee in typical operation, seems the specs are a little over-rated and/or peak power happens at too high RPM. Great economical engine though.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


You might consider an obscure Polish design called the J-1b, this aircraft has the pilot in a reclined position, much like the arrangement of a glider, I'm tall myself, which is why I have chosen this aircraft.


I'm building two of these in fact, one for me, the other for my partner who is a great deal shorter than me.








Zenith CH-701 with tail wheel


Hi, the CH-701 is available in tail dragger version and can be built entirely from plans.





Guest Baphomet

And I didn't think it was possible to make that thing any uglier!!





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