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Just Landed

Guest Toally87

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Guest Toally87

Just landed, just finished a long landing roll too. I joined december last year but haven't started posting til today...


I'm very soon to be Ex army, Avionics technician, working on MRH90 and Blackhawk helicopters, Cert. 4 qualled and headed down the LAME track.


I've got just over 15 hours training in a gazelle with pleanty of jolly's in a wide range of aircraft (Mil, GA RAA and even Baloons).


I love just about anything that flys.


I'm pretty keen on building a Morgan aeroworks Cheetah, and so's the minister of finances luckily for me.


As for the long term, i want to open a fly in fly out bed and breakfast with maintenance facility and flight training, at 23 years old i got a few years to go before i get there, but ya gotta start somewhere...


as my old man always says


"Have a pleasent fright"




Dave Toal



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Welcome Dave,


Look after that misses of yours. Many a bloke on here would love a misses thats agreeable with aircraft.


I'm dead lucky in that repect too.


It's quite a rare find.


Look forward to hearing more from you, and also a big welcome to Mrs Toal.


Kind Regards





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Guest Toally87

Cheers Gents,


I think i'm in a pretty good position.


looking forward to getting a set of wings with a donk attatched so i can come to a few more of these flyins.





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