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As discussed in the Chat Room Motz, but for those who are following and think it all rosy flying in high winds, just consider it all before doing it.




Darks, I took off with about 22kts on the ATIS, after an hr of flying it had picked up a lot, so much infact I had to 'tack' like a sail boat to the airfield as my ground speed into wind was pretty slow. Fortunately I heaps of full fuel.


Upon landing, which was stationary - so my guesstimation of 30-40kts, as the stall/landing speed is between that. I thought is was pretty cool so went around again - well up anyway. On seconds thoughts now, probably wasn't the best decision to do it again. I had given myself a safety margin and approached at quite a high speed, the wind wasn't gusty, but constant, and straight down the runway. I was probably suffering in overconfidence over the fact I did a great stationary landing first off.


I wouldn't do it again for the fun of it, but certainly was an interesting experience. As Motz can advise, it can catch you out if the floor drops away.... (lull in the wind)


Just creating more risks to an already risky adventure I suppose.




Another factor determining safety in a given wind speed would be the nature of the terrain. Do you live in a very flat area Tomo? Wings of 30 knots at a place like the Oaks would always be accompanied by severe turbulence. For example hang gliders can fly at a place like Forbes in quite high winds compared to more hilly places like Rylstone where the safe threshold for wind speed is much lower.






Flat as a tack out here. And I mean flat, though you can see the curvature of the earth at times..... 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif :black_eye:



so much infact I had to 'tack' like a sail boat to the airfield as my ground speed into wind was pretty slow.

:raise_eyebrow: question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif...033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif....exclamation.gif.7a55ce2d2271ca43a14cd3ca0997ad91.gif...You're setting up an aeroplane on a conveyer belt gag aren't you! augie.gif.8d680d8e3ee1cb0d5cda5fa6ccce3b35.gif



:raise_eyebrow: question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif...033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif....exclamation.gif.7a55ce2d2271ca43a14cd3ca0997ad91.gif...You're setting up an aeroplane on a conveyer belt gag aren't you! augie.gif.8d680d8e3ee1cb0d5cda5fa6ccce3b35.gif




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