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Has anyone fitted or seen fitted a ballistic chute to any savannahs?. I know they add about 10 or 15kg and are around $5000 but just interested in anyones views on the subject. I hadn't given them a lot of thought until a friend of mine mentioned them the other day but they are obviously a great failsafe






Cheap insurance, cheap possible 2nd chance, me thinks.


Just don't factor having one, into how and where you fly.


A few examples of times when I think I would be really glad I have one fitted -


Large bird strike - pelican/ lge eagle / Jaba / emu oops sorry probably no use at that height :-)


Mid air ac collision / passing jet wake perhaps?


Pilot Medical emergency


Caught by an unexpected willy willy / dust devil etc ( may be more trike related as they don't like being inverted )


and I guess


Pilot error could be included - we are human after all and do make poor judgements on occasions


You may notice I haven't included structural failure, flying over inhospitable terrain, bad weather, cloud, engine failure etc


as they are mostly controllable by pilot decisions and actions.





  • Agree 1
  • 4 months later...

I have one mountd on my VG. It has been done by ICP. It's a Stratos Light Speed Soft Pack (Junkers Profly), the one which ICP usually mounts. It' located in the baggage compartment.


I bought it for the same good reason that Tracktop listed. It's a bit expensive, of course, but I believe a good investment.


By the way, with a new law, here in Italy, any industrial built microlight registered after 30 June 2011 must have the ballistic chute mounted. For the homebuilt (kit or not), the date of mandatory chute is 1 January 2013 (already registered ones does not need to mount it). Beside the new law, many of the Savannah I've seen there have the ballistic.







  • Winner 1

Hi Massimo


Can you take a couple of photos of your ballistic parachute and how its installed please so I can get an idea of how they have done it. Also do you know of anyone that has had to deploy one?






I know of some deployments, caused by bad fuel management (!). No injuries and minor damages (AFAIK).






Not with extended baggage


Aerokits said that parachute is not available with baggage extension if that applies to you Mark, uses the same space!




Hi Steve


Massimo sent me some pics of his although its a 475kg one. And I noted it looks like the extra baggage space was removed. The extra baggage space isnt a be all and end all for me...the mrs was asking about them and would feel more comfortable if we had one in it. I gather Reg has not fitted any yet?..the factory fits them on European versions and there is a law change there this year about compulsory use of themas in Massimo's message below which may eventually come here. The softpack for our versions would need to be the 600kg ones as I think over there they are only allowed 450KG MTOW that would be me and about 35litrs of fuel :(...glad ours is at least 544






Hi All


I asked Massimo if I could post the pictures of his factory install of the Lightspeed 501 softpack ballistic chute in his factory built Savannah so here they are for reference for anyone interested









Hi AllI asked Massimo if I could post the pictures of his factory install of the Lightspeed 501 softpack ballistic chute in his factory built Savannah so here they are for reference for anyone interested

I noticed that our Italian friend that owns the Savannah uses the Lightspeed 501. ICP's website says the following about the Savannah XL: It’s possible to install a parachute “Junkers 500” type. I wonder if this is perhaps the 600 kg version? Perhaps the Australian importer could find out some more? ...or do a package deal to keep the cost reasonable??




Hi 80Kts


I rang Tom this morning and sent him the pics as well. I have asked him to chase the factory up on this for 600kg softpack chutes. and any drawings or other info from ICP about retrofiting them into built and also under contruction XL versions for here. It is interesting that this is becoming law this year in Italy and Tom tells me in Germany it is mandatory for all microlights and ultralights. My Mrs is pushing the barrow on this one so it looks like I don't really have any choice in the matter as she would like some sort of failsafe. She is across pretty much everything I do with the sav and was extremely interested in it after reading the emails from Massimo. I know I am trying to save as much weight as I can and it looks like my weight saving measures so far will be taken up by a ballistic chute





It is interesting that this is becoming law this year in Italy and Tom tells me in Germany it is mandatory for all microlights and ultralights. My Mrs is pushing the barrow on this one so it looks like I don't really have any choice in the matter as she would like some sort of failsafe. She is across pretty much everything I do with the sav and was extremely interested in it after reading the emails from Massimo.

I think my wife is on your wife's side: isn't it great that they love us! It's probably a good trade-off to continue our flying interests.


I know I am trying to save as much weight as I can and it looks like my weight saving measures so far will be taken up by a ballistic chute



Today's weight-saving measures could end up tomorrow's life-saving measure.


I really hope that the law change in Europe will lead to some decent mass production of ballistic chutes and a consequent reduction in the purchase costs for every one :-)



  • 7 years later...

Hello to the team


I have to say that. An ultralight without a parachute is like a Russian Roulette. I am here right now and I am writing because of the BRS parachute installed on my Savannah...............


Is a big surprise to me that after lot of bla bla bla was only few words about parachute back on 2011.............


With law or without law before even you do the first engine start, parachute must installed. In Europe almost all ULM has parachute.


I started to dive with my friend from 500 ft (maybe less) because we lost the elevator at base leg of approach and we survive without any scratch and minor damage at aircraft.


From the time that problem appears until touchdown was less than 8 sec....All of them back at 2004.


It is the most bigger innovation at aviation.


If someone interested I have the manuals for parachute installetion on Savannah S. Are 9mb and doesn't allow me to to upload here.





  • Agree 1
Hello to the teamI have to say that. An ultralight without a parachute is like a Russian Roulette. I am here right now and I am writing because of the BRS parachute installed on my Savannah...............


Is a big surprise to me that after lot of bla bla bla was only few words about parachute back on 2011.............


With law or without law before even you do the first engine start, parachute must installed. In Europe almost all ULM has parachute.


I started to dive with my friend from 500 ft (maybe less) because we lost the elevator at base leg of approach and we survive without any scratch and minor damage at aircraft.


From the time that problem appears until touchdown was less than 8 sec....All of them back at 2004.


It is the most bigger innovation at aviation.


If someone interested I have the manuals for parachute installetion on Savannah S. Are 9mb and doesn't allow me to to upload here.



Hello Yiannis,


Is the manual you have the official ICP BRS manual? If so, I am interested.



  • Agree 1
Hello to the teamI have to say that. An ultralight without a parachute is like a Russian Roulette. I am here right now and I am writing because of the BRS parachute installed on my Savannah...............


Is a big surprise to me that after lot of bla bla bla was only few words about parachute back on 2011.............


With law or without law before even you do the first engine start, parachute must installed. In Europe almost all ULM has parachute.


I started to dive with my friend from 500 ft (maybe less) because we lost the elevator at base leg of approach and we survive without any scratch and minor damage at aircraft.


From the time that problem appears until touchdown was less than 8 sec....All of them back at 2004.


It is the most bigger innovation at aviation.


If someone interested I have the manuals for parachute installetion on Savannah S. Are 9mb and doesn't allow me to to upload here.



Hi Yiannis,


I'm building a CH-701 rather than a Sav, but I'd also like to see the chute installation manual. Would you be able to email it if I PM you my address?


Thanks, Marty




It is not for BRS, It is for Junkers 500 but all the Soft Packs system are same. If you order a Parachute you must mentioned that the rocket must be separate from soft pack.


The manuals are at Italian but are lot of photos and easy you can understand how can be installed. The manuals are original from ICP and are for Savannah S.


Marty yes I can send you.




The install drawings for my Magnum parachute is for a 701 Marty...I can send them to you....its basically the same as the savannah although mine are hand drawn pages from them


Are you thinking of getting a chute?...local or importing one?....I can tell you its a major drama to try to get one imported...it is not a simple task by any means



What is the difference between CHUTE and PARACHUTE, just for my knowledge.

Chute is short for Para chute. It is common for Australians to shorten words.


Safe flying.



The install drawings for my Magnum parachute is for a 701 Marty...I can send them to you....its basically the same as the savannah although mine are hand drawn pages from themAre you thinking of getting a chute?...local or importing one?....I can tell you its a major drama to try to get one imported...it is not a simple task by any means

I am definitely fitting one. The nearest strip to me is on top of a hill with not much cleared area around in case of EFATO. The choice may turn out to be - fly from a nice flat strip in the middle of flat land - nearest one probably Tunbridge (about 1.5 hours drive away) or fly from this strip 5 minutes away from my house with a method of hopefully staying alive should the fan stop.

When I weigh it up, if it's 5 minutes drive away I could be flying many summer evenings after work. If it's 1.5 hours away then there's no way. Plus if it turns out something needs doing to the plane and I haven't got the tool with me... well you get the picture.


I haven't yet looked into sourcing one, I believe you imported one? Or were looking into it? I don't know what the deal is with buying locally.


What is the difference between CHUTE and PARACHUTE, just for my knowledge.

No difference Yiannis. "Chute" just a contraction of "parachute".




Yes I imported mine Marty...got to tell you it was a massive mission and full of very deep holes...the difference is 10K to buy locally..I got mine landed and to me for about 6K...depends if you want the hassel or not. Now I know how its all done and all the pitfalls and licences required and who can do it...it maybe a lot easier next time thats for sure



Yes I imported mine Marty...got to tell you it was a massive mission and full of very deep holes...the difference is 10K to buy locally..I got mine landed and to me for about 6K...depends if you want the hassel or not. Now I know how its all done and all the pitfalls and licences required and who can do it...it maybe a lot easier next time thats for sure

If you have the time to document some of your learnings from that exercise, I'd love to read about it. Guessing I wouldn't be the only one, given the discussion about ballistic chutes - seems like a few people here would like to install one.

How long is the rocket valid for before replacement?




For 6K or even 10K for that matter its good insurance if you are over a lot of tiger country. I would need a dictating program hahahha I cant type for that long...I can tell you just trying to get it on a plane is hard...I had it organised and at the last minute the freight company bailed...I use a importing agent to do all the dealings and they had major issues to the point where they had to give up. This is after I had paid for it all. In the end I got the freight organised from the other end BUT the biggest pain in the backside is because its dangerous goods it just can not be imported by anyone. It has to be done by someone who has the specific dangerous good licence and it has to end up at that specific location and you have to pay all the freight charges by the different carries that can carry those type of goods from the airport to the site where it MUST be delivered. Then that company MUST deliver direct to you and you pay those charges as well. Thats the basic story but there is more to it that what I have said here. As I said its a mission..but now I know who where and why the next one I do SHOULD be much easier...hahahha sure mate sure he flippanty says :)




Oh sorry I didnt answer your other question


6 years it is supposed to go back for a check and repack....dont think that will happen..maybe 8 years or so but when it does I would slip in another brand new one or two in the same shipment as there is only the one lot of drama required. I am pretty sure I could get rid of them and that would pay for my costs to get mine redone. Next year when/if the Rans S21 goes ahead I will get a chute in for it as well so may grab and extra one or two then as the only real extra stupid cost is the airfreight per item. Interestingly my chute came on a Emirates flight




I tried to purchase a BRS second hand (suitable for repack) for another aircraft. Was all looking good until I made enquiries about freight. OMG what a can of worms!! The whole dangerous-goods thing made moving the rocket nearly impossible. Unfortunately it's also a bit too far away for me to collect in person. So for the moment it's firmly in the too hard basket.


From my enquiries a new rocket/ignitor is packaged in such a way that its dangerous-goods category is lower, but still a significant issue. Please make careful enquiries before parting with your hard earned dollars.



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