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And then the instructor got out

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Well, it happened on saturday morning. 2 normal circuits and then glide approach, then the instructor got out, and told me to go and do another 4 circuits by myself! :ah_oh:


It didn't really dawn on me untill the downwind turn that i really was by myself, and it didn't sink in that I'd just completed my first solo circuit till after the flaps were up after my first touch and go. Lets just say i'm glad there's no cockpit voice recorder! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


It was a sensational experience, and now I understand why everyone talks about it!


I got 0.5hrs in my log book, but I dont think I touched down for about 30hrs!


If anyone is interested, i have a blog at Crosswindlanding It's not updated with the solo flight yet, but will be in the next few days!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well done mate. I remember when I did my first solo in GA - the instructor got out and told me to do a circuit on my own. I was scared to death mostly due to flying at a major airport. It's a great feeling and one of those things you can't really experience again so savour it :)



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Well done mate. My wife and sister were at the strip when I did my 1st ( 1st of 2) solo, 1 circuit then land he told me. No problem I said (out loud) talked to myself


all the way round, meanwhile my wife and sister were wondering why there were two idiots in yellow jackets wondering aimlessly around the airport. Idiots were mine


and a GA students instructors watching and hoping that their students doing their 1st solos would bring the planes back. We did



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Congratulations Acky.


Well done, keep up the good work "Dont look back on your past flying". You will now start to learn how to fly. But remember to keep your instructors voice in the back of your mind. When you need to find out or have a question, ask your trusted friend "your Instructor".


Again congratulations keep it safe and happy flying.







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