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My GA training - Update


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G'day everyone!


Sorry I haven't been keeping you all up to date of late on my GA training, been pretty busy! :black_eye:


Anyway, so basically I've done a couple more lessons, Finished off the required two hrs of IF time, got out of the training area the other day and did a small radio Nav, using the VOR and NDB (ADF). That was fun.


One of the other guys there was doing his GFPT test in a couple days, so I did a bit of research and decided I may as well just do it also, that way If I don't finish my PPL before I head OS in December. At least I'm signed off on something. And it wasn't all that expensive, and since the testing officer was coming anyway.... so the CFI booked it in for me. One of the other instructors and I went and did a half an hr or so, quickly running through some maneuvers that would probably be checked on, just to make sure I was totally comfortable with it.


On the ground I ran through some of the rules and regs to make sure I was still up to scratch with it all, CAO's CAR's etc... Theory stuff isn't my high point, so I was a little apprehensive actually. Studied on it a bit at home. The day for the test came, was going to fly over there in something, but low cloud and fog over the range had other thoughts, so a 430am departure in the car it was.


The other fella was going first, so I sat around reading books and talking......


My turn came around soon enough, he ran me through all the ground stuff, and various different stuff they want to know. All good, so out to the aircraft and do the required checks, jump in, buckle up, pax brief, start up, taxi out.... Run ups, mag drops weren't acceptable for me, so I ran it up for 20 seconds or so with a leaner mixture, then rechecked, all good.


Normal take off, straight out to the training area, steep turns, stalls, then under the hood for some IF. Power went, checks, made my decision on the beach and told him where my threshold was, mayday, pax brief, and now to arrive at my threshold.... glide about for a while, line up on final, and the aiming point stayed right on the threshold @ 65kt best glide, it was obvious it was going to work, so power on.


Climbed up did a few other things and headed for the circuit, did some of them, normal, flapless, crosswind take off and landing, 10kts gusting.


Was all happy so went in, tied down and went and did the paper work.


I was a little nervous at first for some reason, (particularly about the theory/rules/regs stuff) But seems I knew it all 031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif once I was flying for a bit, it all went and I enjoyed myself quite a lot.


Anyway, that's where I'm at, at the moment. Probably didn't really need to do the GFPT, but now that it's done I can just look forward to being tested on my PPL stuff next, rather than the whole works.


I'd like to get it all done before I head off mid december, and so does my instructor, but we just have to work the weather and my days off to be happy with each other. Or move Caboolture out of the locker... the ranges stop you from going anywhere!


I think I've done about 7hrs in the Cessna now. So a couple of navs, and we'll see how I go! :big_grin:


Till next



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Thanks guys.




Oh yes, Mixture rich for take off.


I suspected plug fowling (appeared I was correct), so if you lean off the mixture a bit, and also run it up it will burn off the plugs. The leaner mixture just makes it a little hotter, and more productive.


Mag drops were normal once I did it.



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Hey tomo,is the testing officer from ADFA or do they come from casa?

He came from the Gold Coast (Maroochydore), and I do believe he is an instructor there at the ADFA. Couldn't tell you for sure though, didn't really bother asking him. 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif



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