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Earlier this evening a trike crashed into a paddock beside the Goulburn aerodrome, killing the pilot. Emergency services were quick on the scene. More news later







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Guest David C

I just heard the news on ABC radio ... A very sad and tragic day . My condolences go out to the pilots bereaved family .


Dave C



Guest davidh10

Very sad indeed. Condolences to the family.


Being a trike flyer, I will be particularly interested in the accident analysis when that eventually surfaces. Unfortunately, investigations often take a very long time and are not made easily accessible.


Only info I found: NSW Police Web Site


Anyone know what type of trike was involved?



Very sad indeed. Condolences to the family.Being a trike flyer, I will be particularly interested in the accident analysis when that eventually surfaces. Unfortunately, investigations often take a very long time and are not made easily accessible.


Only info I found: NSW Police Web Site


Anyone know what type of trike was involved?

Hi David,


Looks like it was an Edge X, Yellow pod not sure about the wing, possibly a st2 going by the photo on the ABC news web site.


Very sad news indeed condolences to all the family involved.





Guest Maj Millard

Sad day, trikes are a great deal of fun, and very versitile machines, but unfortunatly like some early ULs some tend to be a bit light on in pilot protection in a serious crash.




Very sad indeed, Condolences to the piltos family & friends.049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif


I've met at least some of the trikers that operate out of Goulburn airport but am yet to learn whether it was one of those fine gentlemen, a new addition or a visiting pilot.


Maynard, Can you shed any more light on this perspective?






Always a sad day when you hear someone has gone down. Sympathies to the family, hope the cause gets sorted out soon.




My condolences to any family member or friend of this 48 year old aviator that may be reading these posts. Very sorry to hear of your loss.




This affair is assuming a darker appearance than just an unfortunate accident:-


Trike apparently un-registered (technically un-airworthy).


Pilot apparently hadn't flown a trike for many years (un-current).


Pilot apparently unable to rig aircraft without assistance (competency issues?).


Pilot advised by people on ground not to fly due conditions (airmanship issue?).


Pilot not trained on particular type of wing fitted to trike base (training issue?).


I am not sure how many other basic rules have been broken here, but there appears to be a chain of deliberate errors which have been contributory. It is beginning to add up to what can most charitably be described as a wilfull disobedience of basic safety rules.


Apologies if this appears harsh.




No Mate, provided you know firsthand, or from a credible source, that the various issues mentioned are factual - I don't think that your comment is unduly harsh; after all every preventable accident has a potential impact on our freedom to fly as we do. My thoughts remain with those left behind though.




Yes, i heard something very similar from an eyewitness... We should still wait for an official statement before condemning, but at this stage, it doesn't look good.




It is always terribly sad when one within your own fraternity has such a horrible end. It is even worse when others around the individual can see the dangers in what they are doing and warnings are ignored. RIP and my sincerest condolences to the family.



Guest davidh10

I've also now heard similar to "Dieselten". Aledgedly the deceased:-


  • had been presented with a written preliminary inspection report that declared the trike to be not airworthy and specifically said it was not to be flown.
  • had only had two lessons (not in this aircraft) and then withdrew from instruction.



While it is still a very sad event, it appears to be an unsurprising outcome based on the information.




Does anyone have any idea why the trike wasn't airworthy? Could the airworthiness issue have resulted in control problems? Irrespective, let this be a lesson to any individual who thinks that flight training is optional. The United states is/has reviewed their laws regarding the requirement of training and licensing for experimental aircraft after a spate of similar accidents.






Training requirements not enough


Slackness like this impacts the reputations of all of us...


Training requirements are necessary for sure - but you cant MAKE people get adequate training.. Especially difficult is with these older and cheaper, easily acquired a/c. Maybe a tough regulation on selling a/c could work. Like only sell to those with a licence.


It works with guns selling - to a degree - and our machines are as deadly as any gun - for the user at least. Sure people would cheat the system - but it puts another layer in that they would have to deliberately breach, so making it a bit more difficult for them to 'suicide'.




This is a general statement -not particular to this case. I think a ever increasing amount of rules and regulations will never prevent people from there own stupidity.




I don't believe that mandated restrictions on human behaviour have any effect on the individual who cannot forsee the result of his stupidity. I don't mean this to be a reflection on any individual alive or not. It's a recipe for regulation without restraint. Don






we are starting to get a little inflamed about the tragic accident, and in fairness to the pilot I think we ought to pull back a little and let the pathologist and coroner do their work. We cannot yet know precisely why what happened did take place, and perhaps even after the specialists have done their investigative work we may still not have a definitive answer for actions which appear inexplicable.


We have an event which is irrevocable, final, and very confronting. Now we must allow the experts to carry out their duties. If we are to continue the discussion on these forums, cool heads will serve us best. Speculation as to what might have caused the accident is not helpful. Hypotheses about what we can do to prevent such an accident in futue are likewise useless until we know the "why" of the present situation.


For the present, the facts and only the facts should be our focus.




Not selling trikes to unlicensed individuals would not likely be workable as many would be trike pilots learn on their own machines at least for part of their training. I know I did and I can name at least two other pilots that did the same thing soon after I learnt. Events such as this serve an important lesson to those that feel they can do it without proper training. There are many examples of this sort of accident coming out of the United States where at least until recently no rules and regulations existed (not sure what the current laws are over there when it comes to flying trikes).


All we can do is make it very clear to new student pilots that flying before you are deemed ready by an instructor is likely to see you end up dead! As others on this forum have already alluded to, you cannot legislate against stupidity.





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