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Funny Names

dazza 38

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Hi Guys, this isnt a joke but i got a giggle out of it.I read it on Bigpond News This morning.It is about women surname changes from maiden name to married name.Here are some of them.


Mary Chrismas, Ella Mentry, Anita Bath Amanda Hugenkiss, Anita Moorehead, Sandy Fagina, Mary Juanna,


Jeane Pool, Barb B Cue,Felia Balls


Eilleen Dover


PS- There where some classics i have heared over the years.Males as well EG-.


Sydney Harbour


Ben Dover


Wayne Kerr, Holden Cox,Nick Carrs, Craven Moorehead, Bill Board,Mike Hunt


Dick Hertz, Dick Ryser, Dick Burns, Dick Holder. Dwayne Pipe, Hung Lo, Jack Pot



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Whilst in Singapore on an employment contract some twenty-odd years ago the firm had an British accountant named Hugh Hoyes-****. I leave it to your imagination to work out what the Asians hacked that into. (matter of fact - so did we!)



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My apologies to the censor with regard to the spurious content of my previous post. Guess I could have stated "Hugh Hoyes-Male-Chicken"??



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Guest Andys@coffs



When at 6, there was a guy in 482 called Paul Nuss (might have been Peter...but doesnt really matter) and the story goes his mum was Anne Nuss....Hard to believe the A Nuss was capable of naming a P Nuss hey !





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DazzaWhen at 6, there was a guy in 482 called Paul Nuss (might have been Peter...but doesnt really matter) and the story goes his mum was Anne Nuss....Hard to believe the A Nuss was capable of naming a P Nuss hey !



Hi Andy, Thats a good one 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif. The Sydney Harbour Name i mentioned was a Gent apparently at 9 Sqn. Before my time.I think he was a Flight Sargeant. Could have been a Furfy though.But we cant let the truth get in the way of a good Story.lol

I was at 482 Feb 90 to disbandment. The name rings a Bell.But cant remember him.Maybe before i got there.



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I occasionally curse my name when I have to spell it for the 10th time in a day, however a quick thought about these unfortunate people soon cures that complaint.


Sister had a Tracey Bone (T bone) in her class, I went to uni with a girl by the name of Cockhead (the aformentioned rooster). She insisted on it being pronounced as written and was most put out at our graduation, when for decorum sake it was announced as "Co-head".


Yep believe it or not have come across the Nuss family, sons were named Paul and Anton. I never could work out whether their mother had done it on purpose or it was an unfortunate accident.



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About four decades ago while working as a sales engineer for an electronics company, I had to meet a person at a chemical plant, and it was pretty obvious from a 100mtrs away, that he was on the other side of the fence to me.


When he introduced himself as Ivor Ramsbottom, I nearly wet myself, trying to keep a straight face, and it was a talking point around the office for ages.



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Guest studentbiggles

There's a family that live in the suronding district and when I first heard their surname, actually I read it................"Sickerdick"....I couldn't stop LOL...............I then changed it to myself to.........."illerpenis".............then laughed even louder............!!!!







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I worked with a band once who had a guitarist by the name of Michael Hunt. No one called him Mike


There was also a weightlifter/health guru in Melbourne about 30 years ago by the same name and he had a health club at the old Melbourne Baths on the cnr of Swanston St and Victoria Parade. He was called Mike



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Guest 50ft AGL
I worked with a band once who had a guitarist by the name of Michael Hunt. No one called him MikeThere was also a weightlifter/health guru in Melbourne about 30 years ago by the same name and he had a health club at the old Melbourne Baths on the cnr of Swanston St and Victoria Parade. He was called Mike

There is "Mike Hunt" car dealership I drive past whenever I head out to archrfield airport.


My dad went to school with a bloke named Richard Head - not too hard to imagine his nick name.



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