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Retro fit update - TOSG - Pt 2

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Guest TOSGcentral

Continued from Part 1



WING INCIDENCE. The Thruster has too high an Angle of Incidence on the wings. These lead to most of the landing problems with the machine and excessive airframe wear if you do not get it right. This is on top of it being a full-blooded tail dragger and in consequence it is an extremely demanding trainer – you get a damn good pilot out of them but you have to know what you are doing to make that experience emotionally and financially viable to all concerned!



The Bilby has already flown with a revised wing incidence of 4 degrees and this is working well. But this was done by modifying the rear wing spar attachment when the intention is to modify the front wing spar attachment for neatness and lower costs.



At present the death of Rusty has slowed things down. A full size working model of the new bracket has been produced but Rusty’s wife Jesse has required time to sort things out. If I cannot use the Bilby then RAAus has given tacit consent for me to use a certified T300 to fit and test fly the prototype bracket to for Engineering Order purposes.



All of that is in process but the new brackets are not going to be available for 3 months at the earliest from this date.



MTOW. Like most ultralights the Thrusters are banged right up against their MTOW! The UK Thruster factory came up with a certified modification to raise the MTOW to 450 kg. That takes all the pressure off so I am in the process of getting the mod approved in Australia!



The mod will not be cheap because it involves replacing the lift struts. That has a spin off benefit because the new lift struts are aerofoil section and that is the single most important anti-drag mod you can do to a Thruster as it gives you an instant 5-6 knots extra cruise speed.



OTHER SUPPORT. With the apparent demise of the Oz Thruster factory (still do not know about that but you are normally able to contact a business and they have apparently moved from Evans Head and have not advertised for years) something had to be done about support for the several hundred aircraft currently out there. This is TOSG’s main purpose for existence over the past 11 years or so!



In addition to what we have already available, or en-train, as described above – we have the following:



  • Engineering Order and supply of new main boom brackets to cover irreparable failures.
  • Engineering Order and supply of lift strut brackets to cover the mandatory inspection currently in force (if new brackets are required).
  • ‘Put you in contact’ for most parts required on a Thruster.
  • Operational and Technical support advice free to any owner via email or phone whether you are a TOSG member or not.
  • TOSG membership and four tech/ops/news Bulletins per year at about 22 pages plus each, and well illustrated. (subscription still $30 p.a. to cover break even costs of production and mailing)
  • Support literature/manuals on identification, operations and a new series of owner handbooks at about 200 pages each covering all Oz Thruster production types
  • Web site for Thruster information.
  • Web site for manuals available.



The TOSG web site is active again. However a completely revamped web site is currently being designed and built that will go on the same address. This will steadily encompass all of the TOSG research and information – putting it free in the public domain.






I have had recent problems with my internet service providers (ISPs) falling over so information in the magazines may not be current!



I would also appreciate it if you appreciate that myself and TOSG are an honorary support group that attempts to at least break even. I am NOT a business!!! So cut me some slack please! Most people are responded to very promptly – but – I far prefer contact to be via email rather than phone. I am often not here and that requires me to call you back from my message bank and that escalates my phone bill as I get constant calls from all over Oz!



The current valid contacts for myself and TOSG are:



Phone: 07 5423 1963


Email: [email protected]


TOSG web site: www.thrustersupport.org/


Manual information: www.bordernet.com.au/~thayes/


Mail address: TOSG, MS336 Toogoolawah 4313











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