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Pelican airport Newcastle


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I agree that for warnervale to pull through this we are all going to have to get together as one and put everything behind us all with GA and RAA. I hope that we can become a great club with all types of aviation running from a good airport.


I also think that it ts a great idea on giving out some free or cheepper flights to the local community, getting them up in the air on a nice day being able to see Sydney to the South and Newcastle to the north and the lovely Norahhead Light house to the East that would have to be a win....



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David, From my limited experience, neither CCAC nor RNAC take RA-Aus seriously. And yet that is where the growth is and where the easiest entry point to aviation is. Come the revolution . . .

RNAC have an RAA machine in their operational training fleet and it gets well used. - Why they even own a trike ( HGFA registered) and soon to be available for hire 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif - how can you say they don't take recreational ac seriously?012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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"You can forget about ever getting a consent for a new airport in NSW. I think the whole aviation community may have to mount a campaign to save Warnervale in the next 12 months."


dave, do we need to wait til next year? Don't we have an election comming up? Is it a safe seat? Do we know who the potential candidates are and are they in anyway sympathetic to aerodromes ( medivacs, emergencies, community use etc)?


Can an initial campaigne be established on this site to at least get some indication of the support base that exists in the aviation community - afterall, if this group can't support the idea what chance is there elsewhere?










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I for one want to try get some monthly BBQs and some get togethers going out at warnervale as a social side to the club. I know there is a lot of younger guys that have no idea that there is even a chance of warnervale closing. If we could all get together and meet each other and get a good club going I feel we would have more of a chance in saving it as well. Every one will know what's going on and we will all have a better idea from the board what there intentions are and how they are giving it there all to save warnervale. I have a resturaunt I am happy to organize the BBQ and do the cooking lol



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Hi David got your email thanks i will be in touch what sort of rough date would you think I am thinking around the 2nd week end march for our first BBQ. Let me know your thoughts


Thanks jayz



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Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I saw a bit on NBN news tonight that a development had been approved across the road from the airport.


It looks like apartments, but they also made a point that this development leaves the airport as still usable. There was a council member saying that he hopes to see pilot training there happen in the future, and the CCAC was mentioned.


So there's still hope for that strip!



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From what they said on the news, this approved development is different to the original, and CASA have stated that it still allows Belmont Airport to be used.


So it sounded like it was a win for both sides.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see I guess.



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Hi Ignition,


Have you forwarded to the council your plans? Maybe if they knew what is possible aviation-wise they may take that into consideration when deliberating surrouding developments.





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