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I have a VM 1000 Engine monitoring system but a resistor burned out cooking my eprom holding the operating system. I cannot buy a new one as the company do not support the "old units" Can anyone help me? I need a clone of the eprom for a 4 cylinder injected IO 360. I have been assured by the VMS people that cloning will not destroy the original eprom



Guest Dick Gower

Now that sounds like a familiar problem Glasair!


Sorry I can't help.




Hi Glasair


If you can get a eprom to me I have a high quality eprom reader/ programmers here if you cant get access to any we use them for radio and other electronic stuff I do here. The original eprom I wouldnt think would have "burned out" . A resistor burning out usually makes it resistance go high that usually makes any voltage drop ....not increase to pop a eprom. Are you sure it is the Eprom? I would more than likely be looking at the power supply to the eprom or some other fault like that


Mark Kyle






Hi Kyle, Thanks for the info. I am not all that computer literate but my nerd friend told me it was the chip and I do believe him. I have another eprom chip for a 6 cylinder engine that I bought from the states that works fine except that it indicates 1600 max revs instead of 2700 and is in US gals etc




Yes Mark, but it is working OK with the other eprom so it may have been a voltage spike that killed the resistor and wiped the data.



  • 1 month later...



My VM1000 is reading double RPM as to what it should be. In other words, my new magnetos are sending two pulses per revolution instead of one. I believe there is a fix where you place a jumper across two points in the DPU. Does anybody know the details of this fix? Thanks Amphib One




re VM1000 RPM


Thanks for your reply & apologies for the delay as I have been offline, due to changing computers. Since my query was posted, I have overcome the problem, but not via the VM system. My new magnetos are PMags and by logging onto the site & downloading their EICAD system , I have been able (with help from others) to adjust the number of pulses per revolution from two, to one. I did send various emails to JPI and support@visionmicrosystems but no replies.


Have learned a lot so if anybody else is struggling with this aspect, I may be able to help.




Thats great. Glad you have got it going. I am fairly well advanced in the dissecting of the VM 1000 so thanks anyway but I can now fix most things that go wrong with it. Are you B.B.




VM1000 stuff


We should keep in touch to swap VM stuff. My email bb001@aapt.net.au. 0755366624 Good one Brian B



  • 3 months later...
Guest Terry Dactil

I have been working with Glassair and have successfully cloned a new eprom for him. (Thanks Amphibone).


We now have available for anyone who needs it, eprom images for IO360 (metric units), IO360 (US units), and IO540 (US units).


I was hoping to dis-assemble one of these to find how the fuel quantity data is handled, so I could put in the block of data to get the I/O card and fuel quantity gauge working again.


Unfortunately, none of these eproms is set up for a fuel quantity gauge, so that programming is still a mystery yet to be solved. Any help in this area would be appreciated.


To overcome this problem, I have made a stand-alone fuel quantity gauge where a microprocessor reads the fuel probes. I am quite pleased with how this has turned out. It records fuel quantity on shut-down, fuel added/lost on next start, as well as various low level warnings, individual tank and total quantities. Better than the original, I think!


All of this with a $5 microprocessor chip. Circuit and program is available if anyone wants it.




Thanks TD. Great info and helps with our combined info bank. The VM should last for many years with the occasional tweak. BB




Another item. Go to www.emagair.com, click on Tips N Tricks, and have a look at the bottom entry re VM1000. Another bit of info. BB



  • 3 months later...
I have been working with Glassair and have successfully cloned a new eprom for him. (Thanks Amphibone).We now have available for anyone who needs it, eprom images for IO360 (metric units), IO360 (US units), and IO540 (US units).

Terry, I'm working with a guy who bought a VM1000 that was set up for a Continental 6 cyl ... he has it installed on a Lycoming IO360 and can't get it to read correctly -- I think one of the clone e-proms would do the trick -- any chance of getting the clone files and some quick instruction on how to burn a new chip? My direct email is RTBLS@juno.com



Guest Terry Dactil

Sure. I see you are communicating with Glassair by email, so continue doing that and we'll get either the data or an eprom to you.


I have now managed to work out the copy protected chip select logic array by using brute force - trying every possible input and seeing what output occurs. The program code is starting to make sense now that I know what the selected input or output is for a block of code. It's a bit like a giant crossword puzzle trying to work out what is doing what. The ultimate aim is to be able to re-program the fuel quantity calibration data, so I'd like to get hold of a binary dump or the actual eprom that has fuel tank quantity included. This bit is lacking in all the eproms we have.



  • 3 months later...

Brand new to the forum. So the VM1000 and EC100 on our Symphony has a few squawks and JPI has been, unresponsive.


1. Left Tank Fuel Low indicator constantly on on the EC100.


This has been this way since we bought it two years ago. Up until recently the actual fuel gauges functioned normally, however:


2. About a month ago the left tank indicator on the fuel gauge will sometimes disappear and then reappear full, then usually stabilizes back to normal.


I think it may just be the probes. Any suggestions?


3. The EGT readings for 3 of the 4 cylinders do not appear to be reading. I've read through the VM1000 manual and originally I thought it was stuck in 'Leaning Mode', but I'm pretty sure now that it is simply 3 of the cylinders not reading.


The fuel tank readings are the ones I'm most interested in fixing. Any suggestions, tips tricks? Our AMP is an older cantankerous kind of fellow, and doesn't seem too keen on learning how to fix this new, yet outdated system. I'm mainly just looking for something to get me started down the right path, maybe something to take back to our AMP and help him along, or to help us seek out a new AMP or technician that could help us with the system. I don't even know where to start. Thanks.





Guest Terry Dactil

Bad or intermittent connections from the sensors to the VM1000 is a likely cause.


There is a troubleshooting section in the VM1000 installation and operation manual .


This gives the procedure to follow and the digital voltmeter readings you should get from each of all the different sensors.


Verify that you have valid inputs and good connections before worrying about the VM1000 electronics in the boxes.


If you verify that you have good inputs and still have problems, we may be able to exchange some components to find the faulty unit.




Thanks for the follow up. After posting in here it inspired me to pull out the manual and I actually found that section. Didn't have my voltmeter at the hangar, but I'm heading back out this weekend to take a look. Thanks.



  • 5 months later...

I have a VM1000 which is working fine , the data control unit is constantly clicking as if in start up mode all the time . Is this normal or do I have a problem? can someone help? Thanks.



Guest Terry Dactil

That is strange.


The only thing that makes a noise in the data processing unit is the inverter, and that is a barely audible whine. (see the Troubleshooting Guide 103.2).


There are no relays or other mechanical things to make a noise, and I have never heard clicks from the system, even when I have had it running on the test-bench in a quiet environment.


As you say that everything is working fine, I would have to suggest that it is not the VM1000 but something else nearby that is making the noise.


More information could help track it down:


  • is the clicking continuous or intermittent?
  • fast or slow rate?
  • engine running or not?
  • Battery/DC bus voltage steady?
  • isolated all other electrical systems (pull CBs)?



It sounds like hours of fun.


Good luck.




Thanks for that info Terry, the clicking is continuous and a slow rate with the engine running or not, will check other things now I know it is not normal.


Thanks again.



  • Helpful 1

Terry, problem solved. I feel a bit of a dill, Ihad fitted a new Hobbs meter and that is where the clicking was coming from.


Thanks again for the advice.



Guest Terry Dactil

There is a quote somwhere that the only dumb question is the one you don't ask, so don't be embarrassed.


All I did was help you eliminate one possible source of the clicking, which is just normal troublshooting.


That is good news that you found the problem so quickly. I had visions of you being upside-down under the instrument panel for a day or two.


Thanks for the feedback. I learned something new too - that Hobbs meters can make clicking noises.



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