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Bouquets Where Due

Guest pelorus32

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Guest pelorus32

I think we are often ready to throw rocks but not so ready to hand out the bouquets.


Well this is a HUGE bouquet for RAAus and their staff. I have been just gobsmacked at how efficient they are in handling paperwork.


3 examples:


Pilot Certificate paperwork sent to them by fax on a Saturday, Certificate in my hands Thursday morning;


Endorsements paperwork faxed to them on a Saturday, new Certificate in my hands Wednesday morning;


ASIC application sent to them on a Monday by mail, acknowledgement back in my hands on the following Monday.


A huge congratulations on a very tightly run ship.




Kind regards





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I must agree . I have only one request that hasn,t been answered promptly and professionaly by the RAA office ,and that was by the Tech Officer(still waiting). Apart from that the RAA office has been great to deal with.



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Guest Juliette Lima

Could'nt agree more about our inclination to throw rocks, and speaking of bouquets, I noticed that John Brandon has recently joined Recreational Flying forums. How lucky we are to have someone of his background enhance the many highly talented contributors to these forums....instructors, tech guys, and skilled pilots, both in practice and theory.


John is the Webmaster for the brilliant RAAus website, a hugely comprehensive and voluntary effort put in over a number of years.....only Ian would begin to know the number of hours involved.


Doubtless John will remind me that Juliette is not spelt with an e, something I twigged to ages ago....anyhow !


Nice post Mike.



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Have to agree with you all, they really do things quite quickly, especially when compared to CASA who managed to take the aviation medical fee out of my account on the same day as I rang them, but only managed to get my certificate to me three and a half weeks later. Well done RAAus!!!





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Guest danda

It's good to here positive statements about our R.A.Aust there will always be the knockers however I am proud to say I belong to the RAA and I am glade that we have such a dedicated bunch at the helm.


Thank you Guy's





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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrat's Ben on your achievment, it's a good feeling.


Even though I have had my pilot's certificate in Australia for many years when I recently went solo in the Philippines and thereafter received my certificate to fly there, I felt fantastic as I had been wanting to do it for many years but just never had the time before January this year.


It's a beautiful country to fly in and I recommend it to others, you won't be disappointed.


Also the flying club outside of Angeles City is the Ritz of clubs, very comfortable and friendly. There are a number of Australians, like me, who are members and enjoy the facilities immensely.


When I get around to it one day I intend to do a "great trip" article with pic's just so everyone can see the value of what we have as recreational pilots.


Never lose sight of the fact that God didn't give us wings to fly as that would be too boring, he gave us machines to do it in, which if you love all things mechanical then a recreational aircraft is by far better than a pair of wings.


Kind regards.



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