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Sydney / Smithfield plane crash.

flying dog

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They were obviously inbound to Bankstown on that track.


The main thing is that they walked away from it, and good on the guys who lifted the wing so they could get the door open, not knowing whether it was going to go up in flames.


Fortunately there was no fire, possibly too much air in the tanks, but that will be revealed in time.



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The ABC radio reported it as "an Ultralight" however the pic shown on the Yahoo home page shows a low wing aircraft upside down on the road with, what best as I could zoom in on, VH rego.


Cant really work out the rego. I,m not positive that the pic shown was"actually" of the reported crash.


Sounds like the pilot involved did a great job of getting it down on the road and all ok.


In our book...that makes him a hero ! GOOD JOB. appluase all round !!


However, more ammo for the anti planes in Sydney basin brigade



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Looks like a Warrior. All flying stab and fixed gear. Not the best thing to flip over. Lucky escape. Smithfield is very close to Canley Vale, scene of the MoJo accident last year. Locals will not be pleased. Hmm no fire.



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There is a video now on the link in the second post. Same aircraft as in photo. Ballina to Bankstown One wing torn off, fireman not doing to much clean up and hosing down of spilt fuel.


Good on the council workers for helping the women out of the aircraft.



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A quantity of air plus fuel in the tanks is more dangerous than full tanks if there is a fire... for a fire to occur you must have fuel, heat and oxygen.


Air in the tanks can lead to an explosion in the confined space whereas fuel in the open atmosphere will only burn (furiously).





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Being a local, I can't help but wonder how long it will be before I read that a similar event is caused by that ibis colony thats allowed to exist on Henry Lawson Drive,


I spend a lot of time around Bankstown Airport, and almost daily see these birds come so close to aircraft that have either just taken off, or, are on finals, it's not funny.


I'd personally like to shoot the bloody lot of them, or the d--ckheads that allow them to reside so close to an important airport.



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I'd personally like to shoot the bloody lot of them, or the d--ckheads that allow them to reside so close to an important airport.

Have some kind thoughts for our feathered friends, maybe they were there a long time before the airfield not like the nimby's who complain about aircraft noise. Birds are a hazard to aviation no doubt, short of extermination we have to learn to live with them.



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Have some kind thoughts for our feathered friends, maybe they were there a long time before the airfield not like the nimby's who complain about aircraft noise. Birds are a hazard to aviation no doubt, short of extermination we have to learn to live with them.

They are culled out quite regularly not for the aircraft hazard but the picknickers complain about them. They only came when council built up the wetlands as a stormwater dump for the area.

Damm things are everywhere.



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