Kyle Communications Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Does anyone know if there are any operating yet here in OZ..I looked at the website and see a guy building a sierra or cheetah has got one on the way soon. The price is certainly fantastic just over half the cost of a 100hp rotax new and the Viking is 110hp but its about 5kg heavier and I think the fuel economy maybe slightly worse. Any info that you have found out would be appreciated Mark 1
fly_tornado Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 The real advantage with the jazz engine is that once you own the PSRU and all the accessories, changing over motors is a lot cheaper than reconditioning a Rotax.
geoffreywh Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was looking at the website this morning, the whole concept looks bloody great. Honda have always made such great engines. tipping it on it's side is just brilliant, it means that it can compete with all the flat fours. I bet the economy is miles better than a Rotax...Having higher compression, fuel injected, ok with ethanol as well....
dazza 38 Posted February 13, 2011 Posted February 13, 2011 Quote I was looking at the website this morning, the whole concept looks bloody great. Honda have always made such great engines. tipping it on it's side is just brilliant, it means that it can compete with all the flat fours. I bet the economy is miles better than a Rotax...Having higher compression, fuel injected, ok with ethanol as well.... I agree, as a automobile conversion .It looks very appealing and very professional.
Sloper Posted February 13, 2011 Posted February 13, 2011 Mine will be leaving the US in the next few weeks, two months early. Its going into the Morgan Couger l am building. It has the same engine mount postions as a Jabiru and prop hub dimensions as a Rotax. Gearbox oil temp can be monitered and it has a sight glass for the gearbox oil level. Twin ECU's. regards Bruce 1
eightyknots Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 How much will the Viking engine be all up, landed in Oz? (I'm trying to do a comparison with Rotax)
Sloper Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Looks like its going to be $15k, including the GST regards Bruce the very poor. 1
Kyle Communications Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 Hi Bruce When you were talking to them did they tell you of anyone else here in Australia that has one or are you the virgin tester out here? Mark
Sloper Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 l think mine is the first delivered for Australia, there are another two coming in April. l think there are a few guys whatching to see what happens. regards Bruce
Kyle Communications Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 Well I will be watching you can bet. I am not due for my engine for the Sav until probably 3rd quarter this year and the money saving and extra horsepower are very appealing. Please keep us all abreast of what its like and when you expect it to arrive
fly_tornado Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 $15K seems a lot for an auto conversion. I was quoted $2.5K for a honda engine with less than 10k on the clock.
Kyle Communications Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 15k landed here in gst for the complete engine ready to go with gearbox dual ECU's with a whole heap of new machined metalwork to make it lighter???? seems a good price to priced a 100hp rotax from old Bert lately and the Viking is 110hp with the abiliity to pump it to 117hp for short periods if required Mark 1
Sloper Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Quote $15K seems a lot for an auto conversion. I was quoted $2.5K for a honda engine with less than 10k on the clock. But you have to reinvent the wheel and l have a warrenty. regards Bruce 1 1
eightyknots Posted February 20, 2011 Posted February 20, 2011 Quote Well I will be watching you can bet. I am not due for my engine for the Sav until probably 3rd quarter this year and the money saving and extra horsepower are very appealing. Please keep us all abreast of what its like and when you expect it to arrive Yes, I would be very interested as well, as an alternative Savannah engine. The Viking has to be better on paper (cost, power, fuel economy, reliabilty, etc.) before people would favour an alterative to the ubiquitous Rotax donk.
eightyknots Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 I noticed, from today's "news" section from the Viking website, that one brave Savannah owner has ordered one. If you look carefully, you'll see an engine order from another member of this forum. Some Recent viking-110 orders and their aircraft types Robert601 HDS Thomas601 XL Alpi Aviationaircraft Bill Aventura StephenCH-601 RayCH-601 RichardCH-601 HD Tom ShawCH-601HD PeterCH-650 RichardCH-650 RobertCH-701 RandallCH-701 PeterCH-701 Andrew Dent CH-701 BobbyCH-701 MasonCH-701 PeterCH-701 DanielCH-701 FredCH-750 RudyCH-750 AlbertCH-750 JeromeCH-750 BurtonCH-750 LarryCH-750 RichardCH-750 RichardCH-750 ChairatCH-750 Bruce HartleyCougar Rotor FlightDominator MarcusFOX V7 Infinity Power Par.Infinity ThomasJust Aircraft RobertJust Aircraft BrianJust Aircraft GeraldJust Aircraft DaveJust Aircraft EdwardKitfox EdwardKitfox 4 JohnLittle Gyro RolandMurphy Rebel MalcolmRV-12 Jun RV-12 RonaldRV-12 Donald RV-12 GlenSavanna TomSeaRey ChristopherSeaRey CharlesSeaRey KlausSeaRey DwayneSearey ThomasSearey LSX LloydSeaRey LSX MaxSonex HowardSonex PeterSonex PhilipSonex NedSonex RussellSonex Nose BrianStorch RamseyTri Q200 Juan CarlosTRIKE JamesWaiex
Kyle Communications Posted July 29, 2011 Author Posted July 29, 2011 Bruce's engine shouldn't be too far away now I ordered the 912 for my Sav about 2 weeks ago...will look at the Viking when I build the next Savannah but I will be keeping tabs on all the info for them as it comes online...They should have a lot of hours on them by then. Although Max Tedesco is building a new version more like a technam/small cessna called a Spirit. Initial data looks good its faster than a sad and not as low stall speed but still extremely good better than most around Mark
terryc Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 I noticed that nearly half of the engine orders are for zenith 601s, 701s, or 750s
Cosmick Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 Quote The Ship has entered Bass Strait.regards Bruce The trips half over, just has to get from the wharf to your place via customs:oh yeah: Looking at the site and pics, can't see if it has dual ignition.
eightyknots Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 Quote Yes, I would be very interested as well, as an alternative Savannah engine.The Viking has to be better on paper (cost, power, fuel economy, reliabilty, etc.) before people would favour an alterative to the ubiquitous Rotax donk. That's what attracts me to the Viking (Honda) engine. My daughter has a 1991 Honda Civic and last week it reached 436,000 kilometres! I don't know the first owner (a "little old lady") but I do know the last two owners pior to my daughter and they were both young men who were not too gently with the Civic. I am so impressed that the original engine and gearbox has done 436,000 kilometres that I would be pretty interested in one of these Viking engines. The only part that may need more time to prove itself is the reduction drive.
Sloper Posted August 3, 2011 Posted August 3, 2011 Goodaye all The final Bill for my Viking is less than $13.5K including shipping and gst. Should be ready for pickup after l pay the shipping and gst, so early next week l suppose. Jan still has the ECU, he will send that when l am ready. Its so it can get the latest software updates. l had a cousin look after the shipping side of things so its as expected and within budget. Theres a slab of Crownies in the deal somewhere. regards Bruce
eightyknots Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 $13,500 is way cheaper than the Rotax OR Jabiru engine. I would love to see a full comparison test of the Viking with other engines, or at least a comparison with the Rotax 912ULS. Some things I would like to know (among other parameters) are a TRUE COMPARISON of: 1. Weight 2. Power 3. Fuel Consumption 4. Altitude Compensation (Rotax has altitude compensationg Bing carbies, how well will the Viking fly to, say, 10,000 feet or beyond?) 5. Effectiveness of the cooling system, during a fast cruise or a lengthy climb on a warm day. 6. Cost of the extras after purchasing the engine; i.e., what else is required to make it complete? 7. 8. 9. 10. :idea:The unused comparison parameters (above) are for other knowledgeable Rec Flying forum members to suggest
Sloper Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 Unfortunatly many of those questions wont be answered in full until more are flying. l know there are many who are watching my outcome. regards Bruce
fly_tornado Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 7. thrust 8. vibration 9. performance with avgas 10. after sales support 1
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