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QLD- Seven News -Aircraft Seized by the QPS- Proceeds from Crime.

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Hi Guys- On seven news QLD, at Archerfield the QPS and AFP. Have seized what appears to be Qty 1 DH 82 Tiger Moth rego- VH-WE? Yellow training Colour, Trojan- White USN training colour with orange Tips etc. Albratross L39. Plus numerous motor bikes and other goods.


Who are the naughty persons ?



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Guest ozzie

Wow Amazing. i wonder when the auction will be. The WA police have a PC12 that they kept for their own use after it was taken as 'proceeds from crime'.



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The problem with proceeds of crime legislaiton is that it negates what used to be the basic principle of our justice system, that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Under such reverse onus of proof provisionsm a police officer has only to reasonably suspect that the goods/cash/etc are proceeds of crime and they can be seized.


Even if years later, no crime is proven and the alleged reasonable suspicion is found by a court to not have been reasonable at all, at best you get the stuff back and no compensation.





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I agree 100% kaz, I am very uncomfortable with the potential misuse of legislation of this sort. That said, word on the street is that these aircraft were siezed following a criminal conviction. The full story will no doubt slowly filter out.



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I'd bet that the Tiger Moth was probably nicked by that little old lady.


You know the one.


She's done the rounds at airshows for years, having never flown before, and takes off scaring the crowds.004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif



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Guest ozzie

read else where that it is connected to an accountant that is already in jail. Aircraft have not flown for sometime. Interesting collection of aircraft.



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Guest Maj Millard

That's great planedriver....you make me laugh !.......Was she also the same one noticed at an airshow placing a small child in a Jab, and then walking around looking for the coin slot ???.....................................Maj...



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Aircraft were taken out of the flying tigers hanger, taken up to the otherside of the aerodrome for the media shoot so the QPS/AFP could do a bit of chest-beating, then put back in same hanger. This is an on-going dispute between Mr Hart (who is out of jail) and the commonwealth (tax office) where you are guilty until proven innocent (if you have enough money to defend the charges). poking.gif.62337b1540bd66201712a53e2664c9b4.gif



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Guest ozzie
That's great planedriver....you make me laugh !.......Was she also the same one noticed at an airshow placing a small child in a Jab, and then walking around looking for the coin slot ???.....................................Maj...

Ha hahahhh hahhhh



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hehehe ,,,very cheeky

Ya just gotta be aware of some of them guys, co's the maintenance is sometimes a bit dubious.


The one I fly regularly has problems too.


The landing light keeps flashing, and it has this constant and very annoying pitch and roll problem.


I've complained to the manager at Kmart three times and nothings been done, maybe CASA needs to be informed? 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


It's not worth risking your life for 2bucks.



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