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Australian Airfield Photographs website started.

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Hi all,


I have just launched the first version of my website 'Australian Airfield Photographs' which contains aerial approach and situational photographs of some Australian aerodromes. These are designed to help pilots to recognise airfileds and to help with orientation around them.


All the photos are contributed by ordinary pilots. I know many of us take photos when we fly, or our passengers do. If you have any approach photos you could share and would like them up on the site please contact me at [email protected]


At this stage the site is small and completely open for anyone to use. I would like the site to grow and would value photo contributions (which wil be acknowledged) and also feedback on the site.


The URL is http://www.serverside.com.au/airfields/







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Guest burbles1

Great initiative. Wouldn't it be great if you could outline potential hazards on the photos. Maybe draw in preferred circuit directions. You could even get ground shots to show the facilities available (especially for airfields not in ERSA).



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i'm not bad with a camera, (got a canon D-SLR and a few lenses) would be more then happy to take pics... just need someone to fly me around ;) Shameless begging of a free ride!!


on a serious note, great idea errol



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I could send you heaps.


Alas you are at YBTH.


I'm not.


I've got probably about ...... 200+ of airstrips around Oz.


How can I get them to you other than e-mail?


(editing starts here)


Site suggestion:


Keep a list of the airport names down the left of the screen and instaed of horizontal piccies of the airport, maybe make them vertical. Easier scrolling.



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