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I think at this point it would be strategically important for members to expect the best from the President and board members, with open minds, and no hint of being an out of control mob as they were mischievously painted earlier.



Guest burbles1

You're probably reading too much into it BR. We need many members along to the meeting to observe, question and reflect on what happens as an influence on their right to vote.



Guest burbles1

Those cliches could be more enlightening than anything else, like


... you are the weakest link ... the tribe has spoken ... you have been eliminated from the race ... it's goodnight from me, and it's goodnight from him ...



  • 3 months later...
Guest pembs

Guys, there is a current process for getting the constitution ammended I have followed this if you cast your mind back I posted a propsal on line and its currently going through. Use the process it works dont butt heads the process is there for good reason so get to know it and use it.




I don't believe you have Pembs...you asked for support of a constitutional change and members of this site put their names to it in support of it and you sold us out by dropping it without referring back to those that supported the change



Guys, there is a current process for getting the constitution ammended I have followed this if you cast your mind back I posted a propsal on line and its currently going through. Use the process it works dont butt heads the process is there for good reason so get to know it and use it.


i agree that the process would work and seems to be in your instance. I probably would like to see a wider reach to make sure we do not die by a thousand cuts.


BTW, in principle I support what you are trying to do.



Guest pembs

Chird65 thanks for the support




Ian, sold you out? I think you may have your wires crossed here! I did not realise that I had been appointed the official spokesperson and was acting on behalf of your website! I have, indeed. followed the process and it is working, as can be seen in the magazine. What do you believe I have not done? I asked for support and comment to a proposal I was submitting for a change to the constitution and some of your readers gave advice and support as requested, which was well received and considered.


Since submitting the proposal I have thought about it and I have been working with the Secretary on the proposals ensuring we get them right. Whilst doing this I have consulted a number of individuals in my area who originally also gave advice and support. One of the original proposals I dropped after seeing posts on this site saying that many members were volunteering for positions as board members; if this interest continues I do not feel the need for that proposal for the 2 terms as each board member is requested to stand down after 2 years anyway and by the look of it their seats will be contested. The other issue has not been dropped but I have postponed it while the Secretary and I do more work on it.


Lets not forget that these were my proposals and everyone is free to take the same action if they wish. My point in putting up the post, and one which I stand by, is that there is a system in place, I followed it and, as can be seen, it works! So, Ian, how do you come to the conclusion that I have sold anyone out?


Kind Regards




Pembs, you asked for people in these forums to put their name in support of your proposal which you submitted to the secretary with our names on it (the following is copied from the proposal that was submitted to the Secretary):


Proposer: Graham A Pemberton mbr #x


Seconder: Peter F Holmes mbr #x




Phil Evans mbr #x


Chris Jellife mbr #x


Stephen Robards mbr #x


Ian Baker mbr #x


Andrew Dunning mbr #x


Dave Gardiner


Pamela Pemberton mbr #x


Tim Moore mbr #x


That is what you submitted and it was on behalf of these people that supported it.


It included changes to the constitution that these people put their names to that you have dropped so yes, I think that if you are going to represent people in this manner and then change what these people have agreed to then you have sold out these people. If you represent these people then these people need to have agreed to your changes...basically you have done a deal on behalf of these people without them knowing and it is their names and membership numbers that are on it



Guest pembs

So Ian here is the challenge and with your best interest at heart, I represented the members and as the instigator of the change made a call, right or wrong it was mine to make. The Change that I have considered and put on hold for now, you should take up and run with it as you can see it has legs so if you are really that concerned and passionate about this particular item that I have put on hold which BTW is the two term tenure, please use your freedom and right to propose that this be taken to the members vote. Good luck with it and if I were a betting man I would suggest that you wont take up the gauntlet, you have stated on the site that you will not be a board member for much longer so there should be nothing stopping you, in fact since you feel so passionate about it why not resign and then you can represent the members without any further delay from outside the gold fish bowl?


Challenge on my friend.




What makes me livered is that you used our names and then did a deal without going back to the people whose names you used...I found out about it too late to do anything about it and if any of the others that you represented as supporting you still feel the same next year as I know I will, then we have to wait a whole year for the next AGM to do anything about it (unless we can get 500 members)



Guest pembs

Deal? you dont have to wait a year you can propose a constitutional change at any time as you well know.




Yes it can be done today but it won't get put to the members for a whole year now as I said...the next AGM or if 500 members agreed to a general meeting...you have lost our chance for this AGM with the effect if it got up not having an impact for 2 years now which for the members that get re-elected next year gives them another 2 years from then so the overall effect of what you have done is not seen for 3 years instead of being in effect next year



Guest pembs

Totally dont agree se we will have to disagree some fights you know you will not win so its not worth fighting the battle thats why I dropped them, get over it move on gentlemen.



Guest pembs

Hurray:clap: thanks BlackRod at last someone who gets it! and I agree the whole thing needs a good look at so I have volunteered (from a cast of 10,000) to be part of a working group to review it.



Guest JRMobile
I think we're being a bit hard on the only one of 10,000 members who has taken the initiative to do something about the Constitution that we all think needs lots of work.Personally, I think it is so poor that it needs to be rewritten pretty well from scratch and the new one so produced swapped with the current one that has so many large and small defects.


However, pembs has got a Special Resolution to the point that it will be put to a vote at the AGM that will deliver better financial reporting and publishing of draft Board Meeting Minutes.


I'm happy to support both and congratulate pembs for his initiative.

Don, thanks for bringing some clarity to this debate.:clap2:

I am with you and will be supporting this first initiative.


Cheers John



Guest pembs

Thanks guys and I will keep you possted on what transpires as and when something new occures but if you dont hear from me for a while then please just ask.



Guest alcol
Hi AllHere's a thought...there has been a lot of discussion here on how the current RAAus Constitution is both believed not being adhered to and the poor quality of it...so why not get our own working party together here to devise a new one.

Ok, we know this wouldn't be binding in any way, it is not sanctioned by the RAA-us board and it has nothing to do with them BUT say through the large amount of RAAus members here, the brains of many here that have had previous experience in constitutions we come up with one that is accepted by the vast number of RAAus members on this site.


It could then be presented to the RAAus board as a new one that has been developed by the cooperation of many RAAus members. The two options open would then be that the board like it and submit to the members formally or the members here make a formal request to the Secretary that it be put to the members.


This is a way that we can all get involved in the RAAus.


Is this just a wild idea of no merit or does the idea have any substance...and if it does I could set up a private forum for the working party for discussions and who will then come back to the rest of us with their ideas and the work in progress that they are doing...anyone want to be a part of the working party if it is a good idea?

Hi Ian


This might not relavent to the thred I am a bit disgruntled with RAA I think this body is becoming just an arm of CASA wielding a stick, I am a ga pilot and in the last mag I have found I can no longer fly in control air space. I have to have a ga medical and a current AFR but I dont fly GA aircraft. My jab is fitted with mode C transponder. I was at the last fly in at Old Station it was a fun day I (thought) I was on long final and called a mist aproach and flew over the runway.


after I landed a rep from RAA came over and started telling me what I could and could not do under CASA rules, I might as well register my jab as GA and it will not cost me reg and member fees and I can fly in control. I have flown to Old Stn many times over the years and never had any problems. Thats my beef for the day.




Alcol, can you PM me the name of the RAA rep if you know it please, I will see if I can look into it for you



Guest alcol
Alcol, can you PM me the name of the RAA rep if you know it please, I will see if I can look into it for you

Ian I dont want to cause any problems at this stage, as I said just having a winge.



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