Methusala Posted June 1, 2019 Posted June 1, 2019 Quote I believe the Thruster can also do a nice 4 turn spin one up with the loss of only 500 feet I'll take your word for it T'88. My T300 is only a little younger than myself (Nah! no kiddin' - honest) and may be a little out of trim. 1
farri Posted June 10, 2019 Author Posted June 10, 2019 The weather`s been crap for months now, strong wind and heavy rain with just some breaks in between long enough for me to do the lawn mowing and get a fly in...Today was one of those breaks in the weather so after spending most of the day trying to clean out my work shed, I finished off by going flying...I get that dark effect by shooting with the flash on. Franco. 3
SSCBD Posted June 11, 2019 Posted June 11, 2019 Yes Frank I believe you (really I do ) - Its about time Frank you put some lights in on your strip instead of your wife waving a torch. Smile! 2
facthunter Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Well, HE carried a torch for her earlier on.. Nev 1
farri Posted June 14, 2019 Author Posted June 14, 2019 Well! For me! Flying just doesn`t get any better than this! Today started off with fairly marginal flying condition and these guys had to come from Palm Cove, one of the beaches north of Cairns! Andrew had to catch a plane out of Cairns at 6 pm to fly back home! It did look like the weather was going to improve so I told them if they were prepared to take the chance that it would, they could come down...The weather did improve and this is what happened... Bob is from Ireland!... It was a first-time Ultralight flight, for all of them and I reckon the photos say it all...Oh! Bob got to see a big Croc, lying on a sandbar in the Mulgrave River. Franco 3
Methusala Posted June 18, 2019 Posted June 18, 2019 Well, we're just back from FNQ where we caught up with Frank and Fran. They showed us hospitality north Queensland style with a trip up and down the Mullgrave river, tinny style, and a great flight over the cane fields, rivers and foothills. We saw 2 crocs, one at close quarters, as you can see in the photo below. Frank handles the Drifter as though he was born in the saddle. Thanks once again Frank. 3
biggles Posted June 18, 2019 Posted June 18, 2019 Yes Don , the Arri’s are good company, although I do get a little concerned about the young fellow and the Mulgrave River dwellers at times. Pity we couldn’t have hooked up, maybe next year. it’s our turn in a few weeks . Bob 2
farri Posted June 19, 2019 Author Posted June 19, 2019 Quote I do get a little concerned about the young fellow and the Mulgrave River dwellers at times . Bob No need to worry Bob, I`m not much of feed for them! and in any case, a Croc can`t hurt you unless it bites you! ....Seriously though! as you can see in the photo ( Rhonda took the photo ) the Croc is trying to get away from us as fast as it can! A real possibility though is that a Croc sitting up on a high bank can launch it`s-self into the river when startled and you could end up with it in the boat if you`re too close to the bank. A few months ago I was Croc spotting with one of my neighbors, in his tinnie! we were going up a gully about twice the width of the tinnie and a Croc we were expecting to see further ahead in the lagoon, unexpectedly launched off a bank above us and only a couple of meters from the nose of the tinnie! That one could have landed in the boat had it waited another 15 seconds............... The only predictable thing about Crocodiles is they are unpredictable!!!!!!!!! Franco. 1
Bernie Posted July 3, 2019 Posted July 3, 2019 On Ya mate . Haven't been there for about 5 years . Bernie . 1
farri Posted July 4, 2019 Author Posted July 4, 2019 Must be time you come back, then, Bernie!!! If you do, come and say G`Day, might be able to go Drifter flying together... Cheers... Franco. 1
farri Posted July 16, 2019 Author Posted July 16, 2019 I took these photos from the Drifter this afternoon! In the photo on the left, the white dot on the right at the top end of the fire, is my Drifter shed... I went Croc spotting on the weekend! Took this photo from my Tinnie Franco. 2 1
farri Posted July 29, 2019 Author Posted July 29, 2019 This is Bob Murfitt! Bob and his wife are from South Australia and caravanning around the country! Bob was staying in one of our local caravan parks, found out about me, came here and asked if I would take him flying, I said of course I would and so we did!... Last Friday was Bob`s last day in our area before heading further North so I took him a bit further afield, around our area! all up we did several flights together and he got to have a feel of the Drifter. Whenever I take someone new flying, once back on the ground, I ask them, "what did you think of the flight"? I mostly get, " Unreal"..."Loved It" guy said, 'It`s the real deal", but I`ve never had this one before! when I asked Bob what he thought of yesterdays flight, he said and I quote, " Frank, you`ve taken me closer to heaven than anyone else"... I took that as a great compliment! Bob told me he had always been interested in flying but had never had the chance to learn and that a while back, a mate had taken him flying in his Trike so I spent a fair amount of time with him explaining some of the principals of flight and also the dangers! I also told him that he isn`t to old to learn (he`s my age) so I sincerely hope he does. Franco. 4 1 1
farri Posted July 29, 2019 Author Posted July 29, 2019 How can I say no, when beautiful young ladies like Michelle keep turning up, wanting me to take them Drifter flying??? Michelle is from Germany and over here for a holiday with her boyfriend, Lucas Steinkenper, also from Germany! this was her first flight in an Ultralight... Lucas is the Great Nephew of my next door neighbor and he has flown with me several times in the past when he`s been over here, staying with my neighbor. Franco, Ps, I have Michelle`s permission to post this photo here! 2
spacesailor Posted July 29, 2019 Posted July 29, 2019 "How can I say no, when beautiful young ladies li" I'll ask THE wife. LoL spacesailor 1
farri Posted July 31, 2019 Author Posted July 31, 2019 From the Drifter! at 4000 feet amsl, this afternoon!!! Franco. 3 1 1
farri Posted August 9, 2019 Author Posted August 9, 2019 The guy on the left is Don Burnell, a good mate of mine! Don and I go right back to the late mid eighties, early days of the AUF, when both of us were members of the 'Far North Queensland Ultralight Association'...Don originally flew gliders, wanted to have a go at the Drifter with me, was hooked, and went on to obtained his AUF pilot certificate when I was instructing... Don flew my Drifter in those days, sometimes taking his Gliding mate, Kevin Sedgeman , ( Kevin was a Gliding CFI ) in the back seat with him, up to the Atherton Tablelands. Don has late stage four Prostate Cancer and may not have many more flying days left! due to his health he hadn`t flow for a number of years so todays flight was extra special for both of us! I took him out over High Island and when we got back he was quite emotional telling me he felt he was in heaven while we were up there! he also told me when the final day comes, he wants me to scatter his ashes, from the Drifter, over my strip here! I told him it will be a privilege. Leo is a good mate of Don`s and this was his first Ultralight flight! I took Leo out over High Island also! he was extremely impressed with the flight and the Drifter. Franco. Ps, Don gave me permission to write about his Cancer. 7
farri Posted August 14, 2019 Author Posted August 14, 2019 From the Drifter, at 5,000 feet amsl this afternoon! No! it wasn`t after last light! it was 5.40...………. Franco. 4
farri Posted September 19, 2019 Author Posted September 19, 2019 I`ve had an interesting morning today! I had a meeting with some members of "Land Care", here on our property, to find a way to repair some serious erosion on the bank of the Mulgrave River, adjoining our property, at the end of the site inspection , I was asked if I would take Lisa (the group coordinator) to see it from the air, I said "absolutely", to which I was asked, "when"? my answer, " right now"! Back on the ground, I asked my usual question, " First impression of the flight, what did you think and what do you think now"? with a great sense of pride she replied, "I loved it! It`s the bravest thing I`ve done in a long time!" my reply, " Give yourself a great big pat on the back"! Franco. Ps, I met Lisa for the first time, this morning. 4
farri Posted September 21, 2019 Author Posted September 21, 2019 This afternoon I had the pleasure of taking Teagan Stemp for her first Ultralight flight! Teagan`s Mum, Lynne, has flown with me several times and Teagan`s Dad, Andrew, has also! today, Teagan wanted to see what Drifter flying is all about. For me, there`s no better reward in recreational flying than for a mother to bring her only Daughter to fly with me.....Lynne is a good friend of ours and a Deeral local....Samantha is Lynne`s Daughter-in-law. Franco. 4
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