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Sonex vs Vans RV 7a

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Hi All,


Is there anyone out there with a completed a Sonex or Vans RV 7a.


I'd love to come and look and get some advice off a builder before ordering.


As you've already guessed, I'm unsure as to which one.047_freaked.gif.8ed0ad517b0740d5ec95a319c864c7e3.gif


Current location is Griffith but prepared to travel.







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Hi Simon, there is alot of difference between the RV and Sonex.The RV speed machine, athough has a quite low stall speed for what it is.The Sonex uses a VW type engine and is alot slower and cheaper to build.



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From a building perspective the RV7 uses buck rivets which won't win you many friends if you want to work nights, the Sonex uses pop rivets which can be done buy hand if noise is a problem. but both are a massive undertaking if you don't do hands on work with machines.



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The Sonex equates more naturally with the Vans RV-12, using pulled rivets and Rotax powered, though the 12 has a much roomier cockpit. I put the Sonex in the "around the patch" aeroplane category, while the RV-12 is a genuine touring aeroplane. BTW, there was a beautifully built and finished Waiex (vee tailed Sonex) at Natfly, complete with countersunk pulled rivets and highly polished. A credit to the builder.



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I am building a sonex. The sonex and RV are very different aircraft suited to different roles and budgets. The sonex is much smaller than the RV with far less endurance/range. The sonex will be much cheaper to build. Performance depends on your choice of engine. You can choose from the VW (110kt cruise from talking with owners) up to the 3300 with owners claiming between 120-130kts IAS in cruise. The big thing to consider is that the sonex only has around 65L of fuel, so if you are burning 20-25L/hr with the 3300 it wont keep you up as long as the RV.


If you want to fly long distance with a passenger and baggage than I might reconsider the sonex. My ideal flight is around 2 hrs, no baggage, occasional passenger and performance like a little fighter.



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