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Auto pilot for 230-C

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Guest crows

I am thinking about spending some hard earned on an auto pilot for a Jab 230, for the long trips but also for the safety aspect. I am looking at the TruTrak Digiflight IIVS , which with the Aus$ at present i can get for $4,000.00 . I would like some feed back from owners of 230's with auto's fitted. Installation problems, performance problems (if any), fine tunning , ease of use etc. or am i better off spending my hard earned on something else.




Another good one to try is Trio Avionics. There is an agent in South Australia.


A Google search will get you the details.






Have one of each of the first listed. Both good. Buy on price but more importantly your trust on installer




I have a TRUTRAK autopilot which was installed in my J230 as an option


when I purchased the plane two years ago in the USA. It is linked to my GPS.


It has worked well and makes long flights more enjoyable. It does not work well


in moderate turbulance.



I have a TRUTRAK autopilot which was installed in my J230 as an optionwhen I purchased the plane two years ago in the USA. It is linked to my GPS.

It has worked well and makes long flights more enjoyable. It does not work well


in moderate turbulance.

I have the Trio autopilot and altitude hold in my J430. It took a while to get the calibration settings right, but both have ended up excellent units. The auto pilot deviates from the track by only a couple of degrees and the altitude hold is generally within about 30 feet of the selected altitude.


The service from the local agent (Jake Jansen) and Trio US has been first class.





I have the Trio autopilot and altitude hold in my J430. It took a while to get the calibration settings right, but both have ended up excellent units. The auto pilot deviates from the track by only a couple of degrees and the altitude hold is generally within about 30 feet of the selected altitude.The service from the local agent (Jake Jansen) and Trio US has been first class.


Thanks Garry,


You should have mentioned that your Jabby has electric elevator trim which took some clever work by you and some time to calibrate as well 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif


Jake J




Dynon proves quite good value, I have just one servo but works well, other will be fitted one day.




Good article in the latest Aviation Safety Digest essentially about the need to be able to overpower (break-away from) the autopilot and various trim situations you might encounter. Autopilots are not without their hazards. Nev




For what its worth the Dynon servos have adjustable torque, and are very easy to overide, and single disconnect button turns it all off



Good article in the latest Aviation Safety Digest essentially about the need to be able to overpower (break-away from) the autopilot and various trim situations you might encounter. Autopilots are not without their hazards. Nev

The 'hazard' can be the pilot and/or installation :cheezy grin:the popular 'experimental' autoilots have failsafe features, unlike some of the situations mentioned in the Safety Digest - they were referring to GA certified systems I believe. One brand that I have fitted to our plane, and installed many of, has a simple friction clutch which is engaged wih a solenoid - IF the solenoid 'locks in' (almost impossible) then you can physically move the stick to override it, what could be simpler than that:thumb_up:


Jake J




My Trio in a J200 was like that. Easy enough to overpower if you felt you should .... and there was a "kill the autopilot" button ...



Guest crows

JetJR have you got your auto contected through a Dynon Efis, if so how does it go? I have a Dynon D100 & i am starting to think it makes sense having the auto operating through it. That way it would be easy to read & operate instead of trying to read a small dial some where hidden in the dash.




If you have the D100 then it WAY cheaper to go the Dynon track, servos are $750 each


I find the setup works very well, sure easy to use and setup.


Only problem I have is there is some issue where the D180 looses GPS data from your GPS, you just press button and it all goes again - sometimes once per hour or so of flight. I dont have latest software and they say they have fixed it.


Rigging to controls takes some thought, no one makes a kit that I know of but Jabiru have someone who fits them.


Mine is just two axis, third axis and other servo has been in the shed for a long time but will get fitted one day. AC flies dead level and holds course beautifully. Significant safety benefit especially 180 deg feature. 1 button press sees reciprocal course set.




I have my J430 set up with a Dynonavionics D180, Garmin 296, AP 74 module and both pitch and roll servos.


It was reasonably easy to install and flies the aircraft very nicely, although like someelses comment about turbulence, it is not as good when it gets knocked around.


Have a look at my website. Http://www. jabiru430.com and follow the links though the work done since completion of the build.




To be able to overpower auto pilot is important. Trio Propilot has listed in their manual the test of this ability to be perfomed pre take off. Disconect switch on the control stick also strongly recommended by them. I would endorce this feature as my other auto pilot does not have one fitted and now think a very good feature to have.



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