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A little boy and his parents go to the circus... just as the elephants begin to enter the centre, the dad gets up from his seat and heads off to get the family some popcorn. As the elephants begin their performance, one of the male elephants sees a female elephant and starts to become aroused.


The little boy sees this and asks his mother "Mummy, what's that on the elephant?" "That's his trunk" the mother replies. "No mum not that! On the back there?" asks the lad. "Oh, that's his tail," responds his mother. "No mum! I know what the trunk and the tail are, I mean underneath the elephant," pipes the boy pointing to the creature's nether region.


The mother blushes and responds "Oh that's nothing. Where's your father?" Just then the father returns with the popcorn and the mother quickly speeds off to the restroom to avoid further questioning by her son. So the boy asks his father the same. "Daddy what's that under the elephant, not the tail or the trunk but UNDER him?"


Without hesitation dad replies "Son, that is the elephant's penis". "But mum said it was nothing!" states the bewildered youngster. The father puts his arm around the boy's shoulder and says, "Son, I spoil that woman!"






This yarn sounds to me like a stretch of one's imagination, but i'll still give it 106_score_009.gif.17e848c1c38015657a6bc3c8116ef6cb.gif give or take a yard or two.



This yarn sounds to me like a stretch of one's imagination, but i'll still give it 106_score_009.gif.17e848c1c38015657a6bc3c8116ef6cb.gif give or take a yard or two.

have to agree with you there planey a whole new meaning to well hung (sorry)



have to agree with you there planey a whole new meaning to well hung (sorry)

You mean like a Storch to a KR2? Thinking aviation terms obviously!



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