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Orchid Beach, anyone been there recently?

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Our RV9a is out of the test period, and I would like to do something special for Robyn's first flight in it. I was thinking of Orchid Beach, but I want to get up to date info on it's condition first before deciding.


Anyone...anyone ?



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Hi Bob,


We went to Orchid Beach last year about april and the runway was soft sand, undulating, and about 15 cms of buffalo grass that went halfway up the spats and we only just were able to get back out of the strip, there is a better alternative that we have been told about not far from that airstrip wich is a better place to land, it is a little bit more inland from what I have been told.





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I've been there twice this year. All grassed over, I didn't feel I was going to get into sand unless I went right off the runway. I was flying a Sportstar. Bit undulating but no more than somewhere like Kilcoy. Phone in advance to see if the grass has been cut, it makes it a lot smoother if it has. There is a $20 landing fee. Contact the Trading Post there, that is the shop by the field, you can get a decent coffee there.


You would need to do the circuit out to sea. Bit hilly around it. Always been 14 I have landed on, which gives you a left hand over the sea. On take off I was turning left by about 250ft.


It has a slope down from the end of 14, and landing lights, so don't hit a light. I would take off downhill if the grass is long, wind permitting.


It's a great spot, definately worth going to, and they need the support if we want to have such great places kept open.





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Thanks for that update Ryan.


Mat, I know what your saying about the "A" models. But our's is very light on the front wheel, so I'm hoping that wont be as much of an issue. But that is the reason I was enquiring. I want to get some more hours up on it first, before I start venturing into anywhere that might be a little dicy for it.



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