Guest burbles1 Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 Quote Steve Runcimann is no friend of these forums... Whoa! Why exactly is the tide turning against SR? Guernsey asked the question why is Steve suddenly out of favour? I'd like to know too. I see that he's a strong voice on the Board, and if the rumours are true about him wanting to be on the Executive, then I can understand why. Eugene is not a strong player and meetings are allowed to wander all over the place. Steve R would add more control which is welcome.
coljones Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 Quote Do you have any information that proves, or even suggests, it's not true? Or do you just want us to stop talking about it? Given that Ian hasn't been sued, as far as we know, then we must give some credance to what he says. Hopefully, as they leave the board, Mark, Ian and Carol will take the time to hand over their little black books to Don and Co. There is nothing worse than going onto a board (into the jungle) faced with sustained and unsubstantiated accusations against named and unnamed members of the continuing board (and those departing the ship). The new board members need the will need to work with the existing board members so the valuable activities can progress without the board being either paralysed or castrated. Although not nearly as trivial, some of the accusations floating around on this site are starting to sound like "have you stopped beating your wife". Wayne, you can keep talking, how else will you be able to have you legitimate concerns addressed? For some reason the RA-aus office left off my contact details - Col Jones - RA-Aus Member 026402 - 0439 979 950 My email address is Quote CFI said; out of interest Col...who, of the "Bored" have contacted u and welcomed u on bored??? No, no contact but then I have not been elected thus far - I have had some discussions with Don and he strikes me as a goodguy
Wayne T Mathews Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 Quote Given that Ian hasn't been sued, as far as we know, then we must give some credance to what he says. Hopefully, as they leave the board, Mark, Ian and Carol will take the time to hand over their little black books to Don and Co.There is nothing worse than going onto a board (into the jungle) faced with sustained and unsubstantiated accusations against named and unnamed members of the continuing board (and those departing the ship). The new board members need the will need to work with the existing board members so the valuable activities can progress without the board being either paralysed or castrated. Although not nearly as trivial, some of the accusations floating around on this site are starting to sound like "have you stopped beating your wife". Wayne, you can keep talking, how else will you be able to have you legitimate concerns addressed? For some reason the RA-aus office left off my contact details - Col Jones - RA-Aus Member 026402 - 0439 979 950 My email address is No, no contact but then I have not been elected thus far - I have had some discussions with Don and he strikes me as a goodguy Thank you for answering my questions Col. In a previous life, as a check and training airman in a multicrew environment, twice, I was part of teams that went to a lot of effort to try and stamp out the need for "little black books" by insisting on standardised transparencey. IE: we didn't want F/Os & F/Es having to keep notes on how their individual Capt's wanted things done. It didn't work then and, I'm told, it's still not working entirely. Oh, there's been massive improvements since the bad old days. But my point is, we're all human. As much as I don't like them, I have to accept that little black books do, and always will exist, dammit. So, should we expect the outgoing crew (and that includes David, whom you didn't mention) to hand over their little black books to the incoming crew? Get real, of course they won't. But if we play nice, they might agree to hand over copies, or at least copies of parts of them. So lets play nice, eh. The next point I'll make, is that the outgoing crew are not departing the ship. They're handing over their post on the flight deck to the incoming crew. There's a massive diference. Now let's address the accusations that you have said are starting to sound like, "have you stopped beating your wife". (I'm going to take a couple of deep breaths before I continue this) We all have/do love more than one person. Be it our daughters, our sisters, or other men's wives, we have all loved more than one person. When we see that person bruised and bleeding, is it unreasonable to ask what the hell is happening? Of course it's not. Raw emotions are involved, and raw emotions are rarely polite or civil. But let's not be distracted by the emotive questions and/or accusations Col. Let's look at the bruising and bleeding. And fix it. We've had two of our directors submit what have been politely called, "untimely resignations" within the last six months, and a third one say he would have resigned if he wasn't leaving shortly anyway. Why? We obviously have a problem, and before we can attempt to fix it, we need to know what the problem is. We need to know why these good people want to resign. And it's being kept secret. Why? Because if they tell us they'll be sued? That's bullshit Col! Pure, unadulterated bullshit! In case you haven't noticed, there's a ground swell building up. We, the members of RA Aus, want to know why our representatives are being induced/forced to resign. That's why the NSW members have elected Don, and hopefully you. We want you to go to Canberra and bloody well find out why our representatives are resigning. And then fix it. In closing, I'd like to thank you again for responding to my post. And I'd like to thank CFI for telling me to calm down. Wayne. 1
turboplanner Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 I got my taste when I actually saw the annual reports.
winsor68 Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 Quote In case you haven't noticed, there's a ground swell building up. We, the members of RA Aus, want to know why our representatives are being induced/forced to resign. That's why the NSW members have elected Don, and hopefully you. We want you to go to Canberra and bloody well find out why our representatives are resigning. And then fix it. Agreed... and echoed...!
eightyknots Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 Quote IThere's the kind of resignation that is a nice way of being sacked. That was not the case here. There's the kind of resignation that is "My work here is done" (Lone Ranger). That's clearly not the case here. Then there is the "I'm doing this for no financial reward and it's just not worth the grief any longer. I guess Mark may be able to tell us although I'm not holding my breath. Or, "they make life so unpleasant and difficult for me here, it's not worth it and I'll leave and enjoy some more personal flying."
cazza Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Quote Hopefully, as they leave the board, Mark, Ian and Carol will take the time to hand over their little black books to Don and Co. Am happy to hand over 'little black book' to new Board Members. Cazza
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Cazza, you need to do more than that. It's time you and the others came out in the open and told us exactly what is going on
cazza Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Hi turboplanner, I actually don't know what is happening now, I only have my interpretation of what was happening when I was on the Board. Ian is still on the Board, so he is your man for up to date info. Cazza
Guest Andys@coffs Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Quote That's what should be happening, otherwise we can only speculate or hint, and then those of us who stick our necks out and try to get the truth out come under criticism from the lazy ones who don't really care. Oh I dont know.......I criticised, the methods more than the content, and then voted, and in so doing was aligned to the in my case "dont care" doesnt quite fit Andy
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 My brush may have been a bit broad Andy, but your financial summary was different to mine.
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Alan, we would all like our elected representatives to be acting on our behalf; that's what we elected them for. We would all like them doing that, and not playing politics or ego flying or bullying and all those bad things. And we also like them to be acting in a manner that does not bring disrepute to the Organization.
Guest OwenC Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 We have been told on many occasions that nobody except for 2 people have ever been banned from this website. (comment deleted by mod) I have no idea which is the case but I do keep hearing of people bieng banned with no idea what happened either way. It would be good to know why SR was banned if that did in fact happen as if that is true he cant write here to explain to the members.
Guest OwenC Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 I cant believe I had my post moderated i see why you cracked it CFI. I merely suggested that if SR was not banned, he wasnt telling the truth, if he was banned then Ian is not telling the truth. Im not sure how to write that without it being moderated as its a fair comment and is not against the rules of the site as it is not questioning the moderatoin of the site. It would be nice to know the truth and a banned list would be a good thing as you have suggested. (Rather than accusing SR or Ian of being liars, how about calling for the the truth to be aired, if possible, and then make a judgement.- Moderator) - Moderated.
Admin Posted August 23, 2011 Author Posted August 23, 2011 Runciman was given a suspension AFTER he went around telling people he was banned for posting a very nasty post and then subsequent abusive emails which have been forwarded on to some of the moderators and some forum members as proof...this site doesn't support such behaviour and subject to what happens in the very near future, will determine what if any or ALL will be disclosed to the members. This includes actual emails and more...that is all I should really say on this matter for the time being as I would like to see if the board is able to start being a group of professional people that I personally can have faith in and respect for...I am from a personal view willing to give them a chance to prove to me that they represent MY OWN best interests, the Exec is made up of a "TEAM" of like minded and performing people who WILL break down the barriers between the Exec and the Board and the members...the owners. BUT, I reserve my own right, as an individual, as an ordinary RAAus member, to say what I know backed up by proof which at the moment I can not disclose but I may choose to and hang the expense when and where I choose to do so and that will depend on what the board chooses to become...fixed or broken...there has only been one change to the board in the last 12 months and the last 12 months has not been a very nice time on the board...let's see what happens and I have said to both Don and Ed that there are a lot of people counting on them including me. Currently there are 2 people banned from the site and there is one suspension in place, a suspension has a date when the suspension is lifted. Users can get a 1 week, 1 month etc suspension and in fact I warned one user today, his 2nd warning, the first one he was warned by the mods and he hasn't listened so now I have had to step in so his 2nd warning is from me that if he continues doing what he is doing he will receive a 1 month suspension...THAT IS ALL and I challenge any bastard to prove otherwise now stop the crap about banning I am sick of it!!! 1
Admin Posted August 23, 2011 Author Posted August 23, 2011 Pembs has now gone and his login and post above have been deleted as he said he doesn't want to visit the site any more
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Quote " ... The Ian Baker camp ..."What is that? It's what one of our good forumites was forced to say David. Surely there is someone in the NT who can pick up the phone and ask the guy to tell the members what happened
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 I'D ALSO LIKE TO SAY THAT TURNING THIS BACK ON IAN AGAIN AND AGAIN IS GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION - HE'S THE ONE WHO HAS DONE MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE TO GET THE TRUTH OUT. Going down the wrong direction just weakens the truth.
Bandit12 Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Ian has made two mistakes. 1. He seems to care what happens to RAA. 2. He has done his best to make a difference, and continues to do so. Anyone who challenges the status quo of a bad situation will come under attack. I do hope that the two new members are prepared.
Admin Posted August 23, 2011 Author Posted August 23, 2011 Crikey, this is really making me sick...Pembs came on here and posted "This site breads nothing more than contempt" and goes on to say "This is the last post and visit from me to this site as I no longer consider this a site of any constructive significance" so I deleted his registration YET he has later re-registered under a fake name of Kev Finmore...Pembs, if this site breeds nothing more then contempt and you don't want to visit the site any more then please don't waste our bandwidth This thread asked for who is banned, suspended etc so is this the type of thing that you want to know about...doing so only puts the spotlight on individuals as been done in this post and I don't think that listing banned, suspended or stupid behaviour of individuals, which I and the mods contend with almost every single day, will serve any good to anyone
turboplanner Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Ian is right. They are few and far between, why concentrate on them.
eightyknots Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 Quote Crikey, this is really making me sick...Pembs came on here and posted "This site breads nothing more than contempt" and goes on to say "This is the last post and visit from me to this site as I no longer consider this a site of any constructive significance" so I deleted his registration YET he has later re-registered under a fake name of Kev Finmore...Pembs, if this site breeds nothing more then contempt and you don't want to visit the site any more then please don't waste our bandwidthThis thread asked for who is banned, suspended etc so is this the type of thing that you want to know about...doing so only puts the spotlight on individuals as been done in this post and I don't think that listing banned, suspended or stupid behaviour of individuals, which I and the mods contend with almost every single day, will serve any good to anyone How sad that this site is becoming like society in general: the actions of a few spoiling the enjoyment of many. May the unhappy people soon move along to another part of the World Wide Web and allow the many dozens, if not hundreds, of Forumites who enjoy this site, stay here to share the love of aviation. What a pity that matters are degenerating into this. 4
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