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RAA accident investigation results


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Guest davidh10
The ATSB guy was involved in the training of the Police aviation investigators and is a very reliable source. I always find it funny when they say "RA-Aus will investigate" as from my understanding they have no training or expertise in accident investigation. The NSW Police only have 1 or 2 trained investigators who have found themselves with quite a heavy workload of late by the sound of it.

It gets handed to RAA when ATSB decide not to investigate. It is ATSB who call RAA and put them in touch with the police who are at the scene. Once ATSB indicate they will not investigate, it is the Police's investigation and often they are unaware of RAA until contacted. The police do apparently appreciate the help RAA gives, but like ATSB, RAA lacks the resources to investigate all accidents and incidents to the depth that anyone would like. That said, RAA do some level of investigation on ALL incidents and accidents even if that be only a "desk investigation". RAA provides 6 monthly reports to CASA, who as far as RAA knows, does not publish them.

If the ATSB were so worried about RAA, perhaps they would investigate a few more recreational aircraft accidents and come to a concrete conclusion. Sometimes I find that such expressions reflect one person's view rather than the organisational view.



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Guest davidh10
RAA provide expert advice when called on by police, and in some reports you'll notice they in turn call in ATSB, say for example for a metallurical analysis.

Another example of this was the trike fatal at Yarrawonga. RAA requested assistance from ATSB to analyse the track data in the GPS and that revealed the final track of the aircraft in three dimensions. Although this occurred in December, 2009, I'm aware that the investigation is on-going.



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I'd heard a couple of stories about amateur built GA's over the past couple of years that made me think there might be some similarities come to light between those incidents and RA-Aus incidents and my sentence in brackets should have had a question mark.


Has anybody found the official statistic for deaths/serious accidents in RA-Aus aircraft yet?



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