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Just Married... Introducing Mr and Mrs Winsor68


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Guest Maj Millard

Big congratulations Donald, What a great looking family...your father certainly looks up to a flight in the Savvy. (I'm assuming it's your father, not you wifes')You should go over and have a look at Ian Wells ' Heathrow if you are flying out of Laguna...it's just on the other side of the river mouth to the north. Once again great photos, tell your father how much we all enjoyed his glider-day photos. Reminds me of my first marrage back about '71 where we got the formailities out of the way, and went on a holiday to do some serious skydiving....Enjoy it mate !.......................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif :thumb_up:



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Guest Maj Millard

You've done good Donald,....and a birthday coming up also, you'll have more pressis than you know what to do with !!.......................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Thanks for the kind words everyone. We really appreciate it. Yesterday afternoon we did some great flying...My Mum's concerns about my Dad flying evaporated and we spent a good hour in the air... followed by my niece and her husband and my Mum. So I have now flown with just about the whole family and it was great to get back in the air.


The only sadness was landing after my last flight to hear the news about a P51 going into the crowd at Reno... My first thought was for FT and mate I am so relieved to see you posting. There are 21 people up here thinking of you mate.



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Congratulations mate, you'd realise that the lawns still have to be mowed.


Just tell your lovely wife that the mower runs on Avgas available only available a short flight:plane: away :big_grin:


Kindest regards and every good wishes for your future happiness.



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