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Video: DC4 Skymaster Flight Sequence - SAAF Harvard 50 Year Anniversary


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Nice find, thanks Ian. I enjoyed seeing the Ju-52 in the opening sequence as well, I have very fond memories of a ride in the back of that and of being able to wind the cabin window down like an old motor car. Not a single photo unfortunately, my camera was stolen before I even had the film developed:crying:



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This might seem far from Rec flying, but we are all pilots. The DC-4 has very slow roll rates and is an aircraft weighing 72,000 lbs with manual controls. ( muscle power only). Only the undercarriage ,cowl gills,. brakes and nosewheel steering are hydraulic. It's a beautiful airframe and I have never seen one do this sort of routine before. A creditable bit of piloting, though somewhat illegal and outside of the aircrafts design envelope. Nev



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Certainly pushing the envelope, although probably mild in comparison to some of the manouvering those aircraft were subject to when there were missiles and other unfriendly objects in the air! I don't think the two engine pass was ops normal, but I've seen only slightly more restrained displays on several occasions. Nothing quite like a quartet of large radials......:thumb_up: I'll have to go looking for some of my own video.



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