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Storm season has begun!


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We had our first thunder storm last week - and boy was that thunder loud!! Got 30mm in one downpour out of that. This weekend is looking similar - http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/darlinggranitebelt.shtml


Be careful if you're out flying around near a storm... they bite!


Actually I was flying into Moree one day and there was a fairly heavy rain storm to the east of town, fortunately away from the airfield so I could get in easily enough, but the wind from the front of that rain was pretty full on! So keep that in mind if you're out and about rain dodging. There can be severe wind and turbulence miles from the actual rain or storm.


Fly safe and (in our case) keep the wheels pointing down... 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


Not my photo, but I thought it looked pretty cool! Source of photo




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Guest davidh10

The storm chasers in the US get some pretty amazing photos. That looks like it probably came from such a source. Good time to be on the ground, or preferably underground, when you see something like that.


Was up doing a three ship formation flight around some clouds recently and on the way home, got hammered by heavy CAT that caused us to break formation until we could safely reform. I'll get some video up when I've finished editing it. The clouds look stunning. Both the CFI and I were recording video.



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Also hail can come down out of a clear sky from the overhang of a Cb, miles ahead of the main cloud. The top can be blown out of it , so don't get too close on the upwind side. Hail is a no-no for any aircraft let alone thin skinned ones. Nev



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Also hail can come down out of a clear sky from the overhang of a Cb, miles ahead of the main cloud. The top can be blown out of it , so don't get too close on the upwind side. Hail is a no-no for any aircraft let alone thin skinned ones. Nev

Wouldn't like it in the Thruster I can tell you!!!




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By jingo! Fantastic picture. It looks like from one of those movies where the giant spaceship appears through the clouds! I think it was "Independence Day".



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Guest Maj Millard

That's a nasty storm photo for sure. We got our first storm up here in Townsville yesterday also. Only 8ml of rain with a great lightning show. Brewing again today and very sticky right now. The grass sure has responded to the little drop of rain, but a lot more would be welcome as very dry all over.


Watch out Tomo BOM shows more coming your way right now !!......yehaaa...here we go again !!.................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Indeed it is Maj, looking pretty nasty too! We had another 30mm last night from a big storm, lost power etc, getting sticky now as that other one is coming in. ah the joys.



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Learn you met. chaps and study the weather or stay on the ground. This year could easily be as bad as the last one. The energy in storms comes from the latent heat of vapourisation of water. The hotter the air mass and the higher the moisture content, the more energy. They go higher and the air currents are more severe .Nev



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Also hail can come down out of a clear sky from the overhang of a Cb, miles ahead of the main cloud.

As can lightning.

Actually, we've been having the odd storm throughout the winter which is unusual for here, but not unheard of.



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The reason we got the storms is that I put the wings on the RV4 on Monday and to do that I had to get it out in the open. Monday pm and it was looking like hail, so I covered it in cardboard and tarps, same on Tues and Wed and Thurs. Friday I gave up and put it all away back in the shed with one little job left to do. So it will be fine tomorrow.



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Took a while Tomo, but I got it. We more mature blokes take a while to find a way around these computers!!


Easter Sunday in the Central Wheatbelt in WA.


Thankfully both the aircraft were in the hangar, and just a few dings in cars.


This cell was only about a mile wide, and for the rest of the season whenever there is any rain arounf it follows the path of the hailstorm.



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Was flying from my field at diggers bridge to Boonah yesterday for a meeting and got overtaken by a storm front, had to land on an old farm strip at roadvale and shelter my poor bird from big hail!!!! The turbulence was kinda fun though



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Took a while Tomo, but I got it. We more mature blokes take a while to find a way around these computers!!

Great photo naremman, I'm glad you found your way around the computer to post it - 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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