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Most of the information is person to person, you really need a willing mentor of some sort if you are doing a complete rebuild... They are a pretty easy design to understand but there are definitely plenty of idiosyncrasies that can get you 'thinking'... but that is all good fun and part of the journey getting to know the aircraft I think. I should stress I know very little... just trying to offer some advice from my recent experience. I have had outstanding assistance and advice from Kiwi 026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif (and others at Boonah) in the greatest spirit of the institution that is Drifter ownership. Wayne is the man but is often pretty busy doing his own work. Most people who have a Drifter have an obvious passion for them and all things about them, so it shouldn't be too hard to get some help


Thinking about the suggestions for forming a group etc... I had already been contemplating just using this forum (as that is what it is about after all) to log of some the tips and tricks, trial and tribulations that have been shared with me in the interest of 'passing it forward' so to speak... but then socialising and learning about this stuff person to person is half the fun!012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif


Where are you based CK??


PS My advice would also to be to get an aircraft THAT IS AIRWORTHY and chip away at it bit by bit... just buying and rebuilding with out being able to fly would be kinda boring. Do a little go for a fly... do a little go for a fly... and repeat



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Hey Tex yer i thought it might be that way,which is unfortunate for me... as im in WA so there are very few drifters around these parts and even pewer people that know the ins and outs of the drifter... :crying:real bugger...


an internet based group would be great, would really help me mate.. would be great to have a forum, yer its a bit disapoionting for me as there are very few drifters in WA andeven fewer willing to help out young guys (young and dumb) haha


Based in the WILD WEST mate




Hi again if your willing to travel there are plenty around l havent spent any more than seven thousand on one yet l got a fisher mk1 a couple of years ago for $2000 i gave it a full rebuild spent six on parts great machine .got one from Tassie payed $7000 spent $3500 its like brand new l have keeped this one flys to good to sell love it .


When time comes ask questions there are heaps of drifter owns on here to give you good advice on buliding they are one of the most straight forward easy aircraft to rebuild .


cheers Geoff.



Here is my aircraft, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ATTACH=full]15489[/ATTACH]

Hi David where did you get the drifter decal on the pod from or was it alread there.

cheers Geoff.




Well CK, I reckon you have started a thread here that is going to turn into a monster!! The best thing I ever did was start a thread over on the Thrusters section and the answers just started coming. Sorry I can't help you with specific Drifter questions, but I reckon there will be plenty of answers for you here. There are a lot of guys around with vast 'rag and tube' experience so I reckon you should just keep asking. I'd start with getting a mentor right now if you haven't already, someone whose old, and crusty, and been around rag and tube for a long time - there's a guy at Bindoon who just might fit the bill, but don't tell him I told you, OK? He's got a Thruster project under way as we speak!!






The trick is CK that you need to keep asking questions and contributing regularly because like me many people only view the (whats new) 24 hours so your more likely to pick up on someone who has just come onto the forum that day. ie keep the thread alive.






Cheers for the wise words guys, don't worry i have got a pile of questions, but its great to know that a drifter can be had drirter can be had for as low as 2k Haha... How much are you looking ay for a new set of skins? Just out of interest, the other sticking cost might be the upkeep? Are they expensive to run. Cheers all




And if anyone is looking for Drifter logos, mine was done in Cootamundra and I am sure he would still have the artwork to do more. ( I think all of the artwork - design, printing, labels, names and helmets - only cost around $100.)





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Don't know why there wouldn't be any drifters in WA. As the aircraft would definitely suit the Wa climate. Have you tried the guys at Serpentine?




I know of a Boonah instructor who ferried a Drifter to WA (in the 90's) so there might be at least one? LOL


(Re: Stickers) The Boonah guy's name is Warwick and his number is 0412 11 53 77 - his email address is warick.grubb@hotmail.com he can make you up a pair in any colour etc....


I also got Polo shirts made up with the Drifter logo on them and a big Drifter logo on the back by http://aussieborn.com.au/ and they didn't cost too much.


It would be great to see a Drifter support group started up, I am busy with heaps of things to do any organizing but I would happily join.






Hi David thanks for the info l will contact him and get some made . l would join also if one starts up .


Here is my Drifter this one is a keeper flys excellent.





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would be great to see a support group for drifters, they seem to be one of the few remaining flying machines as appose to planes nothing against planes tho!.... even a list of willing owners and contact details would mean its easy for every one to communicate..


Don't know why there wouldn't be any drifters in WA. As the aircraft would definitely suit the Wa climate. Have you tried the guys at Serpentine?

im not sure why its this way... have being to serpentine a few times, i think there might be one or two down there..... they suit where i am perfectly, central wheat belt of WA has some great flying days all year around, and im sick of just looking at the sky dreaming.....




Skyfox1 our Maxairs are almost twins!!!!!!!!!!!


And yes mine is a keeper too, I think they are the sweetest of the models to fly (that I have tried anyway)



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Skyfox1 our Maxairs are almost twins!!!!!!!!!!!And yes mine is a keeper too, I think they are the sweetest of the models to fly (that I have tried anyway)

The only difference in that pic is l got covered in cow shit on that landing when the photo was taken.

What brake system have you got on yours l put the blackmax brake on they are excellent.




Yes I have EXACTLY the same prob on my strip. Its a really crap job cleaning it too hahaha. Just standard brakes on mine, blackmax when more $ rolls in




Country Kid,


I built mine from a kit from Wayne Fisher, he used to work at Boonah in the Factory with Jim Fenton making the Aust Flight ones, there isn't anything he does not know about drifters. They are easy to build, strip down and rebuild, basic tools is all that is needed. The mentor idea ( who ever posted that is Brilliant ) is perfect, i found it very hard as there is no support group and Wayne is often very busy and i am not know for my patients ! I built mine in Newman, so everything had to be freighted in, thankfully i managed the roadhouse there and worked for the airlines as well, so i could get anything in, just had to wait for it. I have done heaps of mods to mine, the bubble canopy is excellent, i have done 33.5 hours with it installed, and 420 hours before that, i would recomend installing one of these, also, get some turf glide tyres if you intend doing any beach landings, they have an extra wide foot print and at 10 psi they are just great. If you have any questions just drop me a line, my email is normoyle.family1@bigpond.com , happy to chat anytime. Good luck in your search, keep us all informed. Once you have flown in a drifter any other aircraft is just a PLANE, a Drifter is an experience. If you are into drooling, have a look at the Leda Aircam, google it, when i win lotto, i am getting a couple of them..




Patrick, I agree about the aircam, but it did start its life as a 'Drifter' lol. The photos people are posting of their drifters is great. Keep them coming.




hey patrick, do you want to put a photo of your up mate, i noticed it has an extended pod and like you said bubble canopy, by Newman you mean Newman in WA? if so then i bet that was a slow process..... those aircam look awesome, but they are really a glorified drifter?.. the pics of peoples drifters a great, keep em coming... as much as im green with envy 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif




Country Kid, yep Newman WA, up in the pilbara, i was lucky to be working for Ansett at the time ( i bet no one else says that ), anyway, i flew to Brisbane vis a work conference in sydney, i boxed up my parts into 4 wooden boxes, Wayne and i drove them to brisbane airport and i air freighted them to Newman all the way from Brisbane, $450.00 total, thats what i call staff discount. Normally it would cost about $5000 or more, especially the fuselage tube box, 6.5m long. But hey i got it there. I found ordering stuff in bulk orders, eg nuts and bolts and other bits was always good. Yes, the bubble canopy is a great idea, mine tilts forward on hinges with gas struts to hold it into place, i got the idea from Andy at Lismore, he did the mould for me and got me a copy of his hinges, the rest i worked myself. He helped with the nose mould and the hinge brackets. I am 6 foot 2 inch tall, so unless you are a runt, you will need a flip-top lid like mine, but it is still a tight fit under the top for my head. But it is really comfortable, and the view is perfect, i can just wear sunglasses, the canopy is tinted ( just a little ) but i flew in light rain last week and it was just awesome, normally it hurts like all hell, little needles hitting your face at 100km/h. The canopies are very prone to cracking, so i fibreglassed the entire circumference on both sides, about an inch up the sides and especially around the front and at the back where there is the greatest bending / jaring forces. You may not need one for WA, where it is warm and dry, but you may like one down the track.



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wow, commitment rights there newman is um in the middle of ah....... NO WHERE!! wow 450$ for air freight... i know who to go to for cheap air fairs know ;) yer, work out all the sizes ect you need and order in one hit, dont think we would need a canopy for WA , its either pissing down stormy or sunny and clear, or blowing its guts out depending where you are, but i like the idea of an extended pod. gives a bit more space. makes sense, a firberglass fame to stop it flexing... very keen to fond one now...




Contry kid, i don't work for the airlines directly anymore, too much hard work. I am an Air Traffic Controller at Adelaide Tower, government job, and no stress, just a bunch of retirees working as managers there, we have 1 manager to 6 staff, that is the only real hastle. Great job and fantastic pay. Newman is in the middle of absolutly no where, but i loved my 4 years there, most of the people are true contry folk, honest and friendly. I got my own strip built by some of the mine fellow and their D10 graders from BHP, cost me a carton of Bundy cans and a carton of Crown larger, bet deal ever. GoogleEarth_Image.thumb.jpg.b43b1b21f62f70be6d46945c80ca1881.jpg




Hi Pat. As an Air Traffic Controller at ADL. Can you tell me why the ATIS there often quotes the wind as something like 280/10 knots with a max crosswind of 11 kts. Not having a go, just want to settle an argument with a colleague. Is your Drifter in SA now?



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