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Hi !


I'm upgrading my airbike to a 582SB and was hopinh for some advice in trailering it home. It's a 1500 mile trip and I'm planning to use an enclosed trailer, but to do that I'd need to remove the tail feathers. Is this a difficult or envolved task on the Drifter ? I'm an experienced a/c mechanic, so it shouldn't be impossible, right ?


Here's my new one:




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G`Day Justin.


Removing the tail can be done easily on your own,better to have someone else helping though.


The elevator can be removed from the horizontal stabiliser or left attached...If removing, take out the bolt holding the push rod to the elevator,remove the bolts holding the two halves of the elevator together, take out the pins holding it to the stabiliser then seperate the two halves of the elevator.


Remove the bolts on the horizontal stabiliser that hold the wires coming from the vertical fin and the fusuelage tube, then simply pull the two halves of the stabiliser out of their holding sockets.


The rudder can be left attached to the verticle fin or removed. If removing, disconect the wires coming from the rudder pedals and remove the pins holding it to the fin... Take out the bolts holding the vertical fin and remove.






buy some blocks of polystyrene foam to cushion the wing, it deforms around rivets which is pretty helpful. the big issue is the fabric is damaged by rubbing, you need to apply duct tape under the ropes to stop them rubbing.


I found the fuselage can cruise along quiet comfortably if you tie the wheels to the floor.


good luck! you will love the drifter.



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