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Looking for some help please?


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Hi there, my name is Fiona and while I myself don't have much to do with them, my father was a HUGE fan of ultralights. So much so in fact that he built a 2 seater ultralight aircraft based on the Beach Boy light plane (I think??) He recently passed away and my mother is looking for a new home for it. We don't know that much about it ourselves but any suggestions as to how to go about selling it (based in Sydney) would be most welcome!




Thanks! Fiona



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ebay. or you can list it on the RAA website or in the classifieds section on here. probably won't get much for it. take a bunch of pictures and yu can ask us what each bit is. engine and prop will propably be worth something



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Thanks fly_tornado that's way more information than I had an hour ago! I think realisticaly it's got some pretty decent parts (ie engine, landing gear, dash instruments, prop etc) to salvage. My mother would (of course) really like to sell it to someone who loves it as much as my dad did but she's a smart cookie and has enough common sense to know she can't be too precious about it!



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ebay. or you can list it on the RAA website or in the classifieds section on here. probably won't get much for it. take a bunch of pictures and yu can ask us what each bit is. engine and prop will propably be worth something

Ok, really going to show my ignorance here: What does RAA stand for?



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RAA stands for Recreational Aviation Australia... its a new name for the old Ultralight Federation.


There is also a monthly magazine which you could place an add in... if its a nice little machine you should not have too much trouble selling it...



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Ok, really going to show my ignorance here: What does RAA stand for?

Recreational Aircraft Australia.........governing body for basic light aircraft ....( formally Australian Ultralight Federation {AUF})....... good luck and hope it finds a good home ....lots of detailed pix are necessary!



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Guest davidh10

The RAA Web site is at http://www.raa.asn.au/ so now you can access the contact details more easily and you could check with them what is involved in disposing of an aircraft.


Here's some info about "Beach Boy" aircraft. It would probably help if you knew if it was a GA Experimental or RAA Homebuilt registerable aircraft. Sorry I couldn't find any info on that.



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Thanks everyone for all your help so far! Keep it coming! Unfortunately the plane is not airworthy. He started tinkering with it when he retired and never got around to putting it back together before he passed away. I'm pretty sure it would be sold for parts only (some of which are very nice parts!), it's getting my mother to see that!


(She also has loads of unmade model aircraft kits and RC aircraft engines and aircraft and modeller magazines to find a good home for too but I think I need to find another forum for that!)



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Here's a link to the Australian Radio Control pilots. There is a For Sale thread where you can advertise what you have to sell. My suggestion however would be to have a local RC flyer look over what you have for sale and possible suggest realistic prices.




Old Man Emu



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Nah, There's lots of aeromodellers and ex aeromodellers here. Give them a run here. If they are old enough there may be some like I had. I still have some actually. One I designed and built when I was 21 It's done plenty of running, but it's a bit on the large side. was going to be .9 cu in, but I cut it back to .61 ( 10 cc) .Some of the older motors may be collectable I got rid of a few of mine to a friend about 20 years ago.


Still love the engines and many of the old names are still there, OS Enya etc. I had Frogs McCoys Forsters Fox's Flfin ED Mills Allbon DC Taipan GB M&S Others that I have forgotten. Always wanted a Dooling It was the best, Schnerle ports racing engine... Nev..



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Guest Maj Millard

Chinook 100, I'm sorry to hear of your Dads' passing. The Beach Boy looks like a fine little aircraft, I can see what your Dad probabily saw in it. Ideally it would be good if you could sell the complete kit to someone who would have a genuine interest in finishing it to completion. There must be plans etc. around that would help in that. Price wise would be anybodys' guess as you would only be offering parts, and an uncompleted aircraft project, however if enough is there it is possible somebody could turn it into a completed, and flying aircraft one day.


You are on the best forum for the assistance you need, and I look foward to seeing some photos of what is there.


Remember, if you do sell off individual parts or engine etc., you will have increased difficulity in selling the rest. Much better if possible to sell the lot as a buildable kit if you can..............................Cheers Ross



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The designer lives in Australia and his prototype has been flying since 1968. When the first ones were built they were built in Toronto Canada, the Designer (Tony Shenan) had a lot of problems with his partner and the company that was to build the craft went down.


Things are not all bad as Tony has got a plan, it is to attempt to Kit the aircraft if possible and of course the full building Plans are available from tony via his E Mail [email protected] or see the Beach Boy website for those interested in building one.




This looks like the single seat prototype. The production model is a side-by-side.





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Old man emu, I forgot how small a world the aviation industry in Australia (and around the world in fact) actually is. Tony Shennan was my dad. The picture you posted was a bit of a blast from the past and was taken about 25 years ago when I was 15(ish!). The plane in it is the prototype as you said. As I mentioned in my first post, after he retired he started to review his design and rework the plane but we're unsure what (if anything) he actually changed. It is currently in 3 main pieces (ie the body and the wings have been disconnected and the engine has been removed and set up on blocks).


We have all the original plans and everything, just trying to consolidate everything into a reasonably understandable package. As creative as he was his organisation skills left A LOT to be desired and we're finding more and more new stuff every day.



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Old man emu, I forgot how small a world the aviation industry in Australia (and around the world in fact) actually is. Tony Shennan was my dad. The picture you posted was a bit of a blast from the past and was taken about 25 years ago when I was 15(ish!).

Hi Fiona, Sorry about your dad! ....I read your original post yesterday and I was waiting to see some photos, to see if I could help.


Is the man in photo, your dad.





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Hi Fiona, Sorry about your dad! ....I read your original post yesterday and I was waiting to see some photos, to see if I could help.Is the man in photo, your dad.



Hi Frank, thanks. No, that's not my dad. I THINK it's one of those "dodgy" business partners he had (I was 13-15 at the time so hard to say). He passed away in March of last year but it's taken mum a while to let us help her sort through his things. I'll post some photos as soon as I've been over. I'm planning on going this weekend so I'll post some "historical" type photos (of which he had MANY - more than he had of his 6 kids combined! - for your interest!) and some of it in it's current condition and some of it's more worthy parts.



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Guest Maj Millard

This looks like a fine project here with a direct Aussie link, I'd definitly be interested in helping to get one flying if that's possible. I'd also be happy to fly one if that is needed. I don't know what engine the one in the video had, but it would be well suited to the 912. As the RAA we need to highlight this design at this years Natfly, which is planning to highlight the 95.10 machines. I think you may have started something here chinook 100 !!.......................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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