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Hi all,


Why don't we hear more about the Dragonfly?


The concept is similar to Thrusters and Drifters which have plenty of fans, even the Bantam gets a mention occasionally. Not the Dragonfly though.


They seem to be very popular for towing so they must be fairly solid, but nobody seems to own one or hire one or want one, or, or ???????????


Regards Bill



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Hi Bill,


Plenty of fans in the Hang Gliding world.


They have mainly been used as a tractor, as in towing, not configuration... the whole certification was a bit of an issue for a while as well I understand. They don't build to many of them and production is mainly supply for those wanting a tug. Otherwise supply was not that high. Also Bill (Moyes) is usually pretty busy and often would get Bobby (Bailey) over from the US to help with building them, but as utility aircraft... that was the real push for production. I only know of 1 in Australia that is exclusively used just for recreation and not towing, it is a 912. There are not many 912 specimens around in Australia but a few in the US... they are of course very very slow (as slow as they could be designed really): VNE 57kts, cruising at 40kts, Stall @ 14-17kts. So you don't go anywhere quickly. Would be an awesome airbike for a property owner!! Obviously they love flying in the heat of the day when it gets rowdy and also thermal a treat (glide not so good). But they are not what you would consider cheap.


Here is the website http://www.liteflite.com.au/



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The Moyes factory is just up the road from where i live when i'm in Sydney. I stick my head in for a look now and again but have never seen any there. Are they made elsewhere in Oz or made in the USA and shipped straight to the customer? Some time back they where looked after by the HGFA but i see now they have RAAus numbers on them. Be interested in knowing how much they sell for.



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No, not made at the Moyes factory (well some bits are) Ozzie, I think all the tooling and jigs etc is over near Bill's at Bronte or nearby. Definitely no change from 55 I believe.



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