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Not having studied the RAA sylabus for flying I didn't realise that recreational pilots don't go through the same training that G pilots do. For GA pilots the knowledge of how a wing produces lift is essential. Also is knowledge of the formula for lift, which doesn't use aspect ratio as part of it. That is taken care of in co-efficient of lift. I am not going to write the formula here as I don't know how to type rho.



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Not having studied the RAA sylabus for flying I didn't realise that recreational pilots don't go through the same training that G pilots do. For GA pilots the knowledge of how a wing produces lift is essential.

Yen, I`ve taken this paragraph from the article that OME posted the link to, " The Coanda Effect ".


Fig 3. The “Bernoulli Effect” explanation states that because the distance over the top of


the wing is further than the underside, the air over the top goes faster than the underside


air to rejoin at the trailing edge and thus the increased speed reduces pressure above


causing lift. Fig 3 depicts separated flow re-joining at the trailing edge. These notions are




Is this not what is taught to GA pilots?....I don`t know if the syllabus has changed, but it certainly was when I did GA BAK.


This discussion has been about trying to prove that theory wrong.






I agree that a knowledge of how Lift is produced by an aerofoil is not essential to the practical piloting an aircraft, but discovering how this effect is produced is an enjoyable journey to be made in the company of one's fellows at the end of a day's flying.


So please don't dismiss this thread as a waste of time, just because you are only interested in the practical side of flying.





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Any amount of positive factual information is of benefit to those who choose to increase their knowledge.


I, for one, certainly don`t consider this thread a waste of time!





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It wouldn't matter if only say 10 people were interestd in it, it's all grist for the mill. The others are not forced to read it.


I don't wear the concept that we are "just" Rec. pilot's and don't need any more than the absolute basics. The more UNDERSTANDING (forgive my shouting) you have, the easier things become and the better you do them, but this doesn't mean taking everything to the fifth decimal place.


Tufts of wool stuck all over the top of a wing will tell you a hell of a lot about what happens to airflow, as will slow motion shots of birds landing etc.


We are sometimes referred to as "airmen", so therefore it is the medium we work with and should understand...Nev



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