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This thread is all about guessing an airstrip. It started in the old forums and had 188 posts but all were not able to be moved over to these new forums.


The objective is that a person posts a picture of an airstrip and the first person to correctly guess it posts an airstrip themselves and on it goes.


PaulN was the one to beat last time so give it a go!




Here is the first strip of a trip I have just done. Looking down 03


No2 should be easy, we landed on the dirt [180]










I'm stumped. I've looked at every airfield I can find within 350nm rad of Mildura and none look like your Num 2 pic with a 18 gravel rwy. Perhaps a clue, like what radial from YMIA? Was your Num 1 pic taken en route to num 2?






No2 aways after No1 J160 85lt fule burn 14lt PH @ 100 nts=more 350nm remember I whent fishing NNE



  • Winner 1



The fact is, I know nothing about fishing, which I think is good reason why I have no idea what strips your pics are of. I've searched the WACs all over from Mildura to Qld, up and down the coast and nothing seems to fit your pics and descriptions. So, I'm done


When I think about your fishing trip I begin to envy you. This must have been a great experience (except the fishing bit).


How many went and for how long? Did you fly the Jab? Oh, did you catch any fish and what did they smell like when you got home?






- sorry Paul but I just have to say 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif - someone has finally beaten Paul - onya Geoff - now come on Paul rise to the challenge cause I was just about to make you our resident airfield Guru


(note: this post is made in fun and hope that it is taken that way)




Ai Karumba ... I think I have it Geoff. Wow, what a trip!!This has been a great (and trying)exercise. I think I've visited every airfield in Qld now, and most of western NSW. NNE indeed,


if my answer is correct your overall trip took you to a destination on


a 347m heading from Mildura, no wonder I couldn't find it.So, was your flight over an approxdistance of 1192nm northbound tracking Mildura, Wilcannia (#1), Bourke (#2), Cunnamulla (#3), Wyandra (#4), Charleville (#5), Longreach (#6 - been there and done that photo pose too), Julia Creek (#7), Normanton (#8) and fishing at Karumba on the gulf coast?Fair


dinkum mate, this flight/experience has to be worth a story to share


with us all. So how about it? I'm sure I'm not the only one here that


would enjoy reading about your adventure.Back to the fish ... hang the fish, did you catch any crocs, or vice versa?Phew ... Paul




Yes PaulKarumba it was didn't wet a line this trip, been b4 by car only.five planes did this leg J160,Sky Fox,Sonora, Sports Star,very early jab. The other jab and my self decided to go on Guess where? I will attempt to write a short story soon Cheers Geoff 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif Geoff





  • Caution 1

Yep Burketown the most busy-est strip to date No2 is not in the ersa its in the other one no3 is easy Geoff








Geoff, whydo you supposeBurketown appears the busiest of your trip?


Pic#3 shows hills appearing on the horizon so looking at the WAC I guess you're now heading south and I reckon this must be looking down 16 at Mt Isa, the stacks off to the southsupport this.


Now for #2, I'm guessing this is between YBKT and YBMAhowever your clue that it's not listed in the ERSAbut is in the "other" (AOPA Guide?)throws me. The NormantonWAC shows 4 possible strips but each of these are in the ERSA. There is one other shown without an identity (is known asMt Gordon insome reference material) but very nearthe "wild west" town of Gunpowder (sounds a likely place for agood night). The AOPA Guide lists thisstrip as Gunpowder (YGPR) so that's my guess. If this is YGPR please tell us what direction your pic is viewing along the rwy? It looks to me to be looking north late morning.


The AOPA book is confusing in that it lists the lat/long co-ordinates of the strip as directly over the locality of Gunpowder while the description has the strip situated 6nm south of there. I've learnt from experience (while approaching Wilpena smiley5.gif) that this book does get things wrong. So, message toall air-tourers, don't believe everything you read, check it out before leaving home.


BTW, these are great pics Geoff smiley10.gif.






I guess its the fishing at Burktown lots of charter fishing,yes 16 at Mt Isa.I will give you No 2 as it is hard The strip is Adell Grove at Lawn Hill.


4,5,and 6 will be easy But I hope No 7 will try you out? How are the repaires to the C.T going?












I like that little green patch in the middle of the 3rd picture - they are some amazing pictures of some really out of the way strips






There's no way I could have guessed Adels Grove being so far off a direct track from YBKT-YBMA. How come you tracked so far west (apart from seeking out unidentifyable strips that is)? I did take a look at Lawn Hill but had no idea there was another strip just 10nm SSW of there, no hint of iton the chart. I know there areliterally 100's of unmarked strips out there, wouldn't it be great if the charts showed all of them. Chris Kiehn brought to our attention a US publication that does just that and pondered the idea of getting something together for Oz, so how about putting your skills and camera to the task Geoff?


Now #4 is Boulia. Gwen and I dropped in here for rest and fuel after departing the Alice and crossing The Simpson in Sept. Did you try the "squirt-in-the-bottle" fuel test? Thanks for the reminder of a great trip.


I think it's about time someone else had a go atidentifying some of these strips. Come on people, Geoff's gone to a lot of trouble and expense to gather these pics for us, avago.


I like the run-off end of rwy 32 of pic #6 ... makes for a nice soft end to an overshoot. Thanks for this pic, I've been wonding what this one looks like.


Ian, I guess it's just one of those "teething problems"but is it possible to have the image name show with the pic as we used to have on the old forum?




PS Geoff, the CT repair job is one of those "slow and steady - get it right" jobs. We've only begun by doing a few fiddly prep tasks while waiting for parts. I don't expect it will be back in the air until late July, or so.




I would love to have a guess but all my flying has been in NSW or QLD, and all my outback or western region flying has been at 35,000 ft! though it is providing inspiration to plan more trips to the central regions in the near future when my aircraft is finished! great work...



Ian, I guess it's just one of those "teething problems"but is it possible to have the image name show with the pic as we used to have on the old forum?Paul

- sadly no I can't get the name of the image in the post without having to do some coding to get it and add it to the post and also the image is now stored on the server and when you upload it the date and a sequence number is added to the name so that would also have to be striped from the name first - can't promise anything but I will put it on the wish list

Well maby pubs might be your thing this was our last night. Some of the planes are out of the pic on the left, you have to taxi 50 yds from strip to pub down hill and not strait.Top spot to over night;);)Where?????????????;)





  • 2 weeks later...

Aah, I recognise the hospital but I don't have anything to post so I'll let someone else nut it out.


Geoff, I hope you were there for roast night.






I am damed if I can remember tea Mark , but the drinks were good ;).gifgo a head and name it and the last 3 strips you might give me an excuse to go fishing again smiley4.gifsmiley4.gif


Cheers Geoff



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