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It's beginning to look like a bit like YPOD. I guess that a Portland round trip from Murray Bridge would just about be in range for your J230, though a good four hours straight at best speed … a bit more than a relaxing afternoon's jaunt. So, not so sure ...




Good guess Gary, but not quite, I would agree with your thoughts about YPOD for a relaxing afternoon jaunt.


The airport is quite close to the ocean and the coastline can be seen on the horizon of my photo.


I am hoping that you get it using a bit of deduction. It was late afternoon when I was on final approach.


I had descended into the circuit from 4,500'


Kind regards, Gary




Well, Gary, now I'm confused.


But, if nothing else, my knowledge of the Adelaide area - especially the airports - is really improving.


Now, if I took that 4,500' comment as a clue I might conclude that your entire flight took place under the YPAD 36 DME step and/or that a westerly course was involved. And both of those do fit Aldinga and Goolwa. But, darn it, neither seems to match the sat pics.


(This feels just like DR navigation when the place you REALLY, REALLY want it to be insists, in some pesky detail, on being just a bit anomalous. (EFBs have come along just in time … as an aid to situational awareness. ;-)


So, anyway, what the heck, I'm going instead for YKIG (Kingston) because it just fits the pic better.


Any cigar this time? And a check-ride pass?






Garfly, you were absolutely correct! The initial part of the flight was under the YPAD 36 DME step and a Westerly course was involved.


However, I did not go to Kingston, Aldinga or Goolwa this time. So no cigar yet, but I will let you have a puff of mine.


None of these airstrips would show the coastline on the horizon if I was (a) on final (b) in the late afternoon © with the sun coming from the left (per the shadow from the vertical card compass on the dash).


My total flight time was about two hours twenty minutes including a few minutes sightseeing detour.


My altitude of 4,500' was specifically chosen as giving me a more comfortable margin than 2,500 would have done.


It took less time to get there than it did to get home.


Think hard grasshopper, I am sure you will get it this time.






Okay, Gary … thanks for the extra clues.


So here is my my next guess. Kingscote - YKSC - on Kangaroo Island.


Maybe you had to make it just a touch and go because it was getting late. Too bad. Looks like a nice place to explore.


I suppose you could arrange to be met by a hire car, no? Anyway I'd definitely love to go there one day.








Great job Gary, have a cigar!


Yes it was late in the day and it is a lovely place to explore. Wasn't that fun!


I learnt a lot about the beautiful Victorian high country and added some destinations for my travels.


Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.






Great, hold that cigar, Gary … I'll pick it up one day on the way to Kangaroo Island! ;-)


So let's see if anyone recognises this place. Mr. Student Pilot … any ideas?






By the look of the rye and fescue grass as well as the tree dieback I'd say high country somewhere. Is that a wood shed beside the aeroclub?






Right on, Stude! … if you've picked out the wood shed, you've recognised the home of a famous formation team.




So now it's your job to show us a mystery strip. You must have a pic or two to share. Could be anywhere.




I have to defer Mr Garfly, I am alas away from my main point of abode and have no access to my vast selection of aviation memorabilia including piccies of airfields so I will open it up to anybody else.


Ps: that bloke in the little fat short one looks a bit loose.



Ps: that bloke in the little fat short one looks a bit loose.

Well he's flapping' those stubby little wings just as hard as he can.






Yes, it is an Airpark.






1. Qld with runways 02 / 20.




Now a cryptic clue:




2. Why firstly Park Air Craft at this Peaceful Sanctuary if not an Airpark






Sue (Cryptic crossword lover)






It is indeed Pacific Haven, Qld -25.23999, 152.54349 An airport with lots of friendly residents between Maryborough / Hervey Bay and Bundaberg.




Explaining the cryptic clue :


Why firstly Park Air Craft at this Peaceful Sanctuary if not an Airpark


Y (first letter of) P A C Peaceful = Pacific, Sanctuary = Haven The clue is 'Airpark' or airport


= YPAC Pacific Haven.




Who's up next?







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